Exercism website
Development setup
This is a Ruby on Rails (5.2) application backed by MySQL. There are two ways to run it locally:
- Setup a local development environment with the steps below.
- Use a pre-made Docker setup. We don't maintain an official Docker repo, but you can try this version kindly maintained by @unused.
Things to install
- Ruby: We recommend Ruby >=2.4 (and this will soon become a requirement). We recommend using RVM
- MySQL: MySQL >=5.7 required. Install via your system's package manager or follow the official Installation instructions
- Yarn: Yarn handles front-end dependencies. See Yarn's installation instructions.
- Redis: Redis >=2.8 required. Sidekiq uses Redis to store all of its job and operational data. Installation instructions or checkout your OS's package manager.
Configure the database
Something like this will then get a working database setup:
mysql -e "CREATE USER 'exercism_reboot'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'exercism_reboot'" -u root -p
mysql -e "create database exercism_reboot_development" -u root -p
mysql -e "create database exercism_reboot_test" -u root -p
mysql -e "ALTER DATABASE exercism_reboot_development CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;" -u root -p
mysql -e "ALTER DATABASE exercism_reboot_test CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;" -u root -p
mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON exercism_reboot_development.* TO 'exercism_reboot'@'localhost'" -u root -p
mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON exercism_reboot_test.* TO 'exercism_reboot'@'localhost'" -u root -p
Install Bundler
Bundle is used to handle the project's Ruby dependencies. You can install it via
gem install bundler
Initial setup
Firstly, you need to set a server identity, which you can do like this:
echo "host" > server_identity
Then we've put a rake task together that should set everything else up. You can run it like this:
bundle install
bundle exec rake exercism:setup
Running a webserver
To run a webserver, simple run:
bundle exec rails s
Something like this will get a working webserver on http://lvh.me:3000 Note: Teams will be available on http://teams.lvh.me:3000
We recommend using lvh.me
which is a DNS redirect to localhost, but which we honour cookies on.
OAuth setup
In order to login via OAuth on development, create a new OAuth application on GitHub.
Fill in the form with the following details:
- Application Name: Exercism (Dev)
- Homepage URL: https://lvh.me:3000
- Authorization Callback URL: http://lvh.me:3000/users/auth/github/callback
The hostname and port would depend on your development setup.
Once created, paste in the GitHub key and secret into config/secrets.yml
Extra scripts and useful notes
Deleting an account
To delete a user, run user.destroy.
The user record is deleted, as well as associated objects except the ff:
- Discussion posts where they are a mentor.
- Maintainer records where their user record is associated.
MySQL < 5.7
The following error is seen using MySQL prior to version 5.7 as discussed at gogs/gogs#4894.
$ bundle exec rake exercism:setup
Mysql2::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes:
If your system doesn't have a pre-built 5.7 package, this install log may be helpful.
Windows Subsystem For Linux
Installation on Windows Subsystem For Linux requires Windows Version 1809 (release due October 2018). Tracked at exercism/exercism#4346.