The code of "Adversarial Metric Attack for Person Re-identification"
- 15230087358
- 21921099
- 594422814University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
- AlanChouSynopsys
- aneesh3108Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
- ChenLiangyu-sc
- cxh0519Peking University
- D00rRevo1vingBeihang University
- ExelyTencent
- FlyingRoastDuckxmu
- guaiyouiBachelor of ZJU, PhD of UNSW
- he0x
- Leonardo123-uiWuhan University
- Liuyuan-77
- LiYingweiJohns Hopkins University @ccvl
- lxy1993@Southeast university
- ppengtangAmazon Web Services
- SeokjuLeeKENTECH
- stonefourdayXi'an Jiaotong University
- taozeze
- vtddggg
- wangguananCASIA
- xmengxin
- xuerli1995
- ylhzUESTC
- yuanbianGit
- yucornettoJohns Hopkins University
- yuyinzhou
- zhangleilei0125
- zorrocai
- zsano1
- zxydi1992Penn State University