
A loot system in Csharp from vincent/lootr

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status A loot system translated in Csharp from https://github.com/vincent/lootr

Adding items

LootrCsharp, as his brother Lootr, is organized as a tree.

var loot = new Lootr("equipment");
loot.add(new { Name = "Stuff" });

Or with a real item wich have a name property :

loot.add(new Item("Stuff"));

Each level is composed by a list of items in List items and a list of branchs in List branchs You can organize your repositories by adding some branchs


The 'branch' method returns itself, on wich you can 'add' items or nested branchs.

	.add(new Item() { Name = "Uzi" })
	.add(new Item() { Name = "Pistol" });


Random-pick something at top level with Lootr.roll( path, depth = 0, chance = 1 )

It will yield an item in the path branch or, if depth is given, in an up to depth deep branchs, if the depth-decreasing chance is greater than a Math.random()

//Loot something from top level
loot.roll("/equipment"); //only 'Stuff'

//Loot something from anywhere
loot.roll("/equipment", Lootr.INFINITY, 1f); //any item

//Loot an armor
loot.roll("/equipment/armor"); //one of ["Plates", "Leather"]

//Loot a weapon
loot.roll("/equipment/weapons", 3); //one of ["Pistol", "Uzi"]


public class Drop
	public string Branch { get; set; }
	public int Depth { get; set; }
	public float Luck { get; set; }
	public int Stack { get; set; }

	public Drop(string branch, float luck, int stack, int depth = 0)
		Branch = branch;
		Depth = depth;
		Luck = luck;
		Stack = stack;

deadMonster.drops = new List<Drop>(){
			new Drop("/equipment", 1f, 1),
			new Drop("/equipment/armor", 0.5f, 2),
			new Drop("/equipment/weapons", 0.8f, 2)
//Loot your reward from a dead monster
List<Object> reward = loot.loot(drops);

//reward can contain a random list of objects like : 'Stuff', 'Plates', 'Uzi', 'Uzi'