
A simple rpg-like looting system

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple RPG-like looting system.

Heavily inspired from http://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2014/07/05/dropping-loot

A C# version is available here https://github.com/Sparox/LootrCsharp

Lootr !

Adding items

Lootr is organized as a tree. Get a new instance with

var loot = new Lootr('/equipment')

loot.add({ name: 'Stuff' })

Each level is composed by a list of items in loot.items and nested branchs in loot.branchs.

Organize the loot repository by adding branchs


The branch method returns itself, on which you can add items or nested branchs.

    .add({ name: 'Pistol' })
        .add({ name: 'Uzi' })

    .add({ name: 'Plates' })
    .add({ name: 'Leather' })


Random-pick something at top level with Lootr.roll( path, depth = 0, chance = 1 )

It will yield an item in the path branch or, if depth is given, in an up to depth deep branchs, if the depth-decreasing chance is greater than a Math.random()

// Loot something from top level
loot.roll('/equipment')                        // only 'Stuff'

// Loot something from anywhere
loot.roll('/equipment', Infinity, Infinity)    // any item

// Loot an armor
loot.roll('/equipment/armor')                  // one of [ 'Plates', 'Leather' ]

// Loot a weapon
loot.roll('/equipment/weapons', 3)             // one of [ 'Pistol', 'Uzi' ]


Loot against a loot table, described by a definition array like the following. The string stack value allow random stacks in the specified range.

deadMonster.drops = [
    {from: '/equipment',         luck:1.0, stack:1 },
    {from: '/equipment/armor',   luck:0.5, stack:2 },
    {from: '/equipment/weapons', luck:0.8, stack:'2-10' }

// Loot your reward from a dead monster
var rewards = loot.loot(deadMonster.drops)

rewards = [ {name:'Stuff'}, {name:'Plates'}, {name:'Uzi'}, {name:'Uzi'} ]


The library includes a basic modifiers system.

Add some modifiers to affect the properties of each looted item with addModifiers.

  • name modifier will be used as simple suffixes. Or, if it contains one or more $property, each property name will be replaced.
  • other properties will be handled as the following
loot.add({ name: 'Staff', color: 'golden' })
    { name:    'from the shadows' },
    { name:    'A $color $name from the gods' },
    { agility: 5 },
    { force:   '*2' },
    { intell:  '2-10' },
    { name:    'A $color $name from the gods', force: '+4' }

Then, at loot time:

deadMonster.drops = [
    {from: '/equipment', stack:2, modify:true }

// Loot your reward from a dead monster
var rewards = loot.loot(deadMonster.drops)

rewards = [
    // some of these could drop
    {name:'Staff from the shadows'},
    {name:'Staff', intell: 6},
    {name:'A golden staff from the gods'},
    {name:'A golden staff from the gods', force:4 }


A simple test suite is available here

It also works with npm test