
riscv tests with virtual memory enabled fail

Bill94l opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Charles,

I generated tests with virtual memory enabled from the riscv-tests.

When I start the tests from the "test_3" symbol, the execution finishes successfully, otherwise the execution fails when I start the tests from the "_start" symbol. I would like to know the reason for the failure of the test ?

start-symbol : test_3

./obj_dir/VNaxRiscv  --load-elf /tests/riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-v-addi --start-symbol test_3  --pass-symbol pass --fail-symbol fail --trace-ref  --output-dir output

start-symbol : _start

./obj_dir/VNaxRiscv --load-elf  /tests/riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-v-addi --start-symbol test_3  --pass-symbol pass --fail-symbol fail --trace-ref  --output-dir output --spike-debug

*** MISSMATCH PC DUT=80000008 REF=2bc0 ***

INCOMING SPIKE PC=ffffffffffe00154

Please find attached the "spike.log" of the previous command with the start symbol = _start

SocSim without RVLS & start-symbol : _start

When launching the code with SocSim the simulation remains blocked at the beginning

sbt "runMain naxriscv.platform.tilelinkdemo.SocSim --xlen 64 --nax-count 1 --trace --no-rvls --load-elf /tests/riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-v-addi"

[info] [Progress] Start SocDemo rv64ui-v-addi simulation with seed 2
[info] Sim starting <3

Please find attached the "tracer.log" from SocSim

Thank you !

Hi ^^

I generated tests with virtual memory enabled from the riscv-tests.

Ahhh i never tried those. I didn't knew it even existed. How does this works ? it is all the regular test but running in virtual memory ?

*** MISSMATCH PC DUT=80000008 REF=2bc0 ***

So looking at spike.log, i can see 80000008 refer to the mtvec, so NaxRiscv did trap to machine mode, which seems to be correct, as spike log say :
core 0: exception trap_instruction_page_fault

The thing i don't get is why REF=2bc0, so why the spike comparison say spike commited PC 2bc0

Would probably need to go step by step with gdb / eclipse in the testbench/spike code to figure it out


How does this works ? it is all the regular test but running in virtual memory ?

This is a regular test but executed with virtual memory enabled and program execution failed in virtual memory initialization

Frome the README of riscv-tests

A test program for RISC-V is written within a single assembly language file, which is passed through the C preprocessor, and all regular assembly directives can be used. An example test program is shown below. Each test program should first include the riscv_test.h header file, which defines the macros used by the TVM. The header file will have different contents depending on the target environment for which the test will be built. One of the goals of the various TVMs is to allow the same test program to be compiled and run on very different target environments yet still produce the same results. The following table shows the target environment currently defined.

Target Environment Name Description
p virtual memory is disabled, only core 0 boots up
pm virtual memory is disabled, all cores boot up
pt virtual memory is disabled, timer interrupt fires every 100 cycles
v virtual memory is enabled

Here is the execution result when launching the code with SocSim and RVLS :

sbt "runMain naxriscv.platform.tilelinkdemo.SocSim --xlen 64 --nax-count 1 --dual-sim --start-symbol _start --pass-symbol pass --start-add 0 --load-elf  /tests/riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-v-addi"

[info] [Progress] Start SocDemo rv64ui-v-addi_explorer simulation with seed 2
[info] PeripheralEmulator IS created
[info] Sim starting <3
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000000 ref=80000000
[info] PC COMMIT dut=8000000c ref=8000000c
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000010 ref=80000010
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000014 ref=80000014
[info] PC COMMIT dut=800000e8 ref=800000e8
[info] PC COMMIT dut=800000ec ref=800000ec
[info] PC COMMIT dut=800000f0 ref=800000f0
[info] [Error] Simulation failed at time=22080
[info] null
[info] naxriscv.platform.RvlsBackend.trap(Tracer.scala:197)
[info] naxriscv.platform.NaxriscvProbe$$anonfun$checkTrap$1.apply(NaxriscvProbe.scala:210)
[info] naxriscv.platform.NaxriscvProbe$$anonfun$checkTrap$1.apply(NaxriscvProbe.scala:210)
[info] scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
[info] scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:48)
[info] naxriscv.platform.NaxriscvProbe.checkTrap(NaxriscvProbe.scala:210)
[info] naxriscv.platform.NaxriscvProbe$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(NaxriscvProbe.scala:342)
[info] spinal.core.sim.package$SimClockDomainPimper$$anonfun$onSamplings$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(package.scala:969)
[info] spinal.core.sim.package$SimClockDomainPimper$$anonfun$onSamplings$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(package.scala:969)
[info] scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
[info] scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:48)
[info] spinal.core.sim.package$SimClockDomainPimper$$anonfun$onSamplings$1.apply$mcV$sp(package.scala:969)
[info] spinal.core.sim.package$$anon$1.update(package.scala:194)
[info] spinal.sim.SimManager.runWhile(SimManager.scala:324)
[info] spinal.sim.SimManager.runAll(SimManager.scala:246)
[info] spinal.core.sim.SimCompiled.doSimApi(SimBootstraps.scala:606)
[info] spinal.core.sim.SimCompiled.doSimUntilVoid(SimBootstraps.scala:568)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.DualSimTracer$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(DualSimTracer.scala:24)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$2.apply$mcV$sp(MultithreadedTester.scala:24)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$2.apply(MultithreadedTester.scala:23)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$2.apply(MultithreadedTester.scala:23)
[info] scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:58)
[info] scala.Console$.withErr(Console.scala:92)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply$mcV$sp(MultithreadedTester.scala:22)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(MultithreadedTester.scala:22)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(MultithreadedTester.scala:22)
[info] scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:58)
[info] scala.Console$.withOut(Console.scala:65)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(MultithreadedTester.scala:21)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1.apply(MultithreadedTester.scala:20)
[info] spinal.lib.misc.test.AsyncJob$$anonfun$1.apply(MultithreadedTester.scala:20)
[info] scala.concurrent.impl.Future$PromiseCompletingRunnable.liftedTree1$1(Future.scala:24)
[info] scala.concurrent.impl.Future$PromiseCompletingRunnable.run(Future.scala:24)
[info] scala.concurrent.impl.ExecutionContextImpl$AdaptedForkJoinTask.exec(ExecutionContextImpl.scala:121)
[info] scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:260)
[info] scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(ForkJoinPool.java:1339)
[info] scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1979)
[info] scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:107)
[info] Failure
[info] PC COMMIT dut=800000f4 ref=800000f4
[info] PC COMMIT dut=800000f8 ref=800000f8
[info] PC COMMIT dut=800000fc ref=800000fc
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000100 ref=80000100
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000104 ref=80000104
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000108 ref=80000108
[info] PC COMMIT dut=8000010c ref=8000010c
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000110 ref=80000110
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000114 ref=80000114
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000118 ref=80000118
[info] PC COMMIT dut=8000011c ref=8000011c
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000120 ref=80000120
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000124 ref=80000124
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000128 ref=80000128
[info] PC COMMIT dut=8000012c ref=8000012c
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000130 ref=80000130
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000134 ref=80000134
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000138 ref=80000138
[info] PC COMMIT dut=8000013c ref=8000013c
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000140 ref=80000140
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000144 ref=80000144
[info] PC COMMIT dut=80000148 ref=80000148
[info] PC COMMIT dut=8000014c ref=8000014c
[info] DUT did trap on 80000150
[info] Code 2
[info] commit error
[info] - std::exception

[error] Nonzero exit code returned from runner: 1
[error] (Compile / runMain) Nonzero exit code returned from runner: 1

Please find attached the "spike.log" & "tracer.log" of the previous command rv64ui-v-addi with socSim+RVLS

Thank you !

At this point would need /tests/riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-v-addi to recreate the issue to understand what is happening