Squantor Modular Electronic System

MIT LicenseMIT

SquMES (Squantor Modular Electronics System)

This repository contains a modular system for electronics projects. This system comprises of a backplane and some modules, the modules are inserted into the backplane. Instead of the ModEleSys where everything is horizontal, the SquMES is vertical, this makes the backplane not so big and a bit more space efficient but the modules also have more PCB surface allowing more complex projects.

WARNING: This is still a work in progress, check back later if you are interested.


  • electronics contains electronics schematics and PCB drawings using Kicad
  • mechanical contains all the CAD drawings, mostly 3d printable objects.
  • documentation contains more in depth information and examples using this system.


This repository makes use of submodules, use git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Squantor/generic_project_template.git to clone everything in one go.