- 0
- 7
- 1
Project Dead?
#267 opened by tibbon - 2
How to install it to mac m1 system.
#254 opened by Abhinav-Mani - 3
st2makesecrets, st2client, and st2chatops containers fail to start successfully
#265 opened by enthusedcoder - 1
Inconsistent Ansible version used by Docker and the one used by Stackstorm
#263 opened by britel-chaimaa20 - 1
`st2-docker-st2makesecrets-1` fails to start
#257 opened by mamercad - 1
webhook The resource could not be found
#256 opened by doing-cr7 - 0
Unnamed Docker volumes for stclient
#255 opened by dr-yd - 10
- 0
- 8
CI build reports success on failed tests
#251 opened by arm4b - 5
Bad docker-compose.yml
#248 opened by rite2hhh - 1
st2-rule-tester doesn't work in docker
#247 opened by anurag-bug - 8
De root the applications and containers
#187 opened by Jrc356 - 2
Providing core.remote stanley ssh keys
#242 opened by jfath - 0
ReplicaSet on docker-compose
#241 opened by vicgb - 1
- 1
- 1
Please support monitoring when using https
#236 opened by greenmoss - 1
bash: st2: command not found
#235 opened by xxtaoqi - 6
#233 opened by xxtaoqi - 4
- 9
Problem installing or searching pack, temporary failure in name resolution
#216 opened by JustDevZero - 1
can't install packs: use_python3 is unknown
#230 opened by mdraevich - 0
Expand BATS testing to include user testing
#229 opened by minsis - 9
Add Integration Tests
#197 opened by arm4b - 3
Proxy setting
#226 opened by VladoPortos - 4
3.4 rbac drive addition
#219 opened by minsis - 3
- 2
st2chatops missing
#206 opened by freeyssu - 0
Release Automation
#201 opened by arm4b - 1
How to change the volume directories
#210 opened by dmudugamuw - 0
Web health check is failing due to valid endpoints
#221 opened by minsis - 3
Workflow container doesn't mount keys volume
#214 opened by minsis - 0
Setup should be more SELinux friendly
#213 opened by Kami - 2
st2notifier docker image / service doesn't have access to "/etc/st2/keys/datastore_key.json"
#211 opened by Kami - 2
- 5
- 1
st2actionrunner: Missing entrypoint.d
#205 opened by fjudith - 0
Configure [coordination] backend in st2 conf
#195 opened by arm4b - 1
3.2.0 version on
#199 opened by Smeds - 1
What user do your python scripts run as? (Specifically Action runner_type: "python-script")
#198 opened by verxion - 0
Containers constantly restarting - failing with `Failed to connect to database "st2" @ "mongo:27017" as user "None": No servers found yet`
#194 opened by kbakk - 1
git bug
#189 opened by dennisgreater - 0
- 1
Stackstorm failing to start with default configuration
#188 opened by kedare - 2
Flask sensor activate but not running
#186 opened - 2
Pack install fails with error 400
#185 opened by virtualengineer - 8