
Autonomy stack for TurtleBot robots

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ROS workspace for turtlebot autonomy. Developed and tested with Python 3 and ROS Noetic/Melodic


  1. Install ROS.
  2. Install catkin tools.
  3. Install python dependencies:
pip3 install --user empy catkin-pkg rospkg
  1. Install ROS dependencies:
sudo apt-get install ros-"${ROS_DISTRO}"-turtlebot3 ros-"${ROS_DISTRO}"-move-base ros-"${ROS_DISTRO}"-teb-local-planner
  1. Create a ROS workspace and clone this repo into the src/ folder of your workspace.
  2. Run catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release from workspace root.



Gazebo two robot position exchange

  1. roslaunch navlab_turtlebot_bringup navigate_multi.launch
  • robot_count = 4
  • goal_file = two_swap.yaml
  1. Start the controllers
  • rosrun navlab_turtlebot_control twist_sender.py -n turtlebot1
  • rosrun navlab_turtlebot_control twist_sender.py -n turtlebot2
  1. Start the planners
  • rosrun navlab_turtlebot_planning dubins_planner.py -n turtlebot1
  • rosrun navlab_turtlebot_planning dubins_planner.py -n turtlebot2

In general: roslaunch navlab_turtlebot_bringup navigate_multi.launch


  • robot_count:=n
  • sim:=true/false
  • planner:="" or "goal"
  • goal_file:=<filename>.yaml

(Params/goal file location: navlab_turtlebot_base/navlab_turtlebot_sim/params/)

  • For now, easiest to edit navigate_multi.launch to adjust params file

Change ROS planner: navlab_turtlebot/navlab_turtlebot_planning/launch/move_base_multi.launch

  • TEB planner or DWA planner
  • Also edit planner parameters here

TEB planner obstacles:

  1. publish to topic: /turtlebot1/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/obstacles


Collaborative localization and planning (with 4 bots):


If you get an error that says:

/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory

Then you may need to add a symlink so ROS can find your Python version. For example

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python