
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


ROS packages for autonomous trajectory planning and tracking for IG32 Mecanum Ground Rover.


Built and tested on Intel NUC with Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic.

  1. Install dependencies: pip install numpy scipy
  2. Install pytorch: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ (select Stable, Linux, Pip, Python, CPU)
  3. Setup ROS with Arduino (https://maker.pro/arduino/tutorial/how-to-use-arduino-with-robot-operating-system-ros)
  4. Flash Arduino code:
  5. Install catkin tools: https://catkin-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing.html
  6. Install ROS dependencies: sudo apt-get update and rosdep install --from-paths .
  7. git clone https://github.com/adamdai/rover_ros_ws.git
  8. cd rover_ros_ws
  9. catkin build
  10. source devel/setup.bash




  • traj_tracker.py: Listens for published nominal trajectories and handles state estimation and low-level control for tracking.



  • simple_planner.py: Publishes a single nominal trajectory parameterized by desired linear and angular velocity (can be provided as command-line arguments, i.e., rosrun planner simple_planner.py w_des v_des).
  • sequence_planner.py: Publishes a pre-defined sequence of nominal trajectories
  • nn_planner.py: Uses a pre-trained neural network to generate trajectories which avoid obstacles and reach a specified goal region.
  • reachability_planner.py: Uses the neural network planner with an added reachability safety layer which checks the safety of planned trajectories and replans if unsafe.



  • mocap.py: Interface with vrpn mocap topic to provide mocap measurements.


  • params.py: Edit global parameters.


Contains all third party ROS packages used: vrpn_client_ros, cv_camera, apriltag,apriltag_ros


  1. Start vrpn client: roslaunch vrpn_client_ros sample.launch
  2. Start rosserial: rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0
  3. Start sensing nodes:
    • rosrun sensing mocap.py
    • rosrun cv_camera cv_camera_node
    • roslaunch apriltag_ros continuous_detection.launch
  4. Start planning/control nodes:
    • rosrun controller traj_tracker.py
    • rosrun planner simple_planner.py or rosrun planner nn_planner.py or rosrun planner reachability_planner.py