Tapeout: Overlapping DTCD cells
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steveri commented
Okay, yes there is a comment in gen_floorplan.tcl
that says # The DTCD cells overlap
...but I was not prepared to see fourteen DTCD cells all in the exact same place:
@innovus> foreach d [ get_db insts ifid_dtcd*cc* ] { echo $d }
@innovus> foreach d $dtcds { echo [ get_db $d .bbox ] }
{2356.47 3960.0 2361.558 3965.088}
{2356.47 3960.0 2361.47 3965.0}
{2356.47 3960.0 2361.47 3965.0}
{2356.47 3960.0 2361.47 3965.0}
Actually it's even weirder, now that I look at it; dtcd #42 is slightly larger than the other thirteen cells...?
Does anyone have insight on what's going on here?