- 0
[feat] include sslproxy
#2533 opened by MattDHill - 0
[feat] different favicon for light/dark theme
#2567 opened by MattDHill - 9
[bug]: WiFi on RaspberryPi - Country selection doesn't stick and continually re-prompts
#2545 opened by gStart9 - 0
036 migration
#2698 opened by MattDHill - 0
- 0
[feat] build for Pi 4 AND Pi 5
#2694 opened by MattDHill - 3
[bug] Dependency not showing as dependnency
#2756 opened by elvece - 0
[bug] Action requests not appearing for dependencies
#2757 opened by elvece - 0
[bug] Health checks displaying incorrect response
#2755 opened by elvece - 2
- 0
[feat] Default to DHCP for NTP Syncronization
#2586 opened by kn0wmad - 0
Audit health checks in SDK
#2695 opened by MattDHill - 0
[bug]: Config unsatisfied for multiple services
#2743 opened by elvece - 1
[bug]: Invalid Package Type
#2735 opened by jbdatko - 1
[bug]: Active Sessions accumulate and do not clean up
#2651 opened by more4521 - 0
[bug]: High CPU usage on laptop due to trying to suspend with the lid closed
#2702 opened by kenshin-takahiro - 0
- 0
Comment out config file upload feature from SDK
#2699 opened by MattDHill - 0
- 3
[bug]: front end versioning display discrepancy when there's a leading 0 of minor version number
#2624 opened by stupleb - 1
[bug]: directories with sticky bit cannot be backed up to some filesystems (exfat) using rsync
#2564 opened by gStart9 - 0
[feat] Killswitch for VPN Features
#2558 opened by kn0wmad - 2
[feat]: Support Xen virtual disk driver
#2546 opened by gStart9 - 0
[bug] `sideload` Should Not Appear as CLI Option
#2537 opened by kn0wmad - 1
[feat] zsync updates
#2531 opened by MattDHill - 0
[feat] show bytes for progress
#2693 opened by MattDHill - 0
[feat] fetch different firmware for Server Pure based on presence of WiFi card
#2692 opened by MattDHill - 0
[feat] Every interface gets a health check
#2691 opened by MattDHill - 0
[feat] add disk to hardware requirements
#2690 opened by MattDHill - 1
- 1
[bug]: RTL authentication fails
#2634 opened by dennisreimann - 1
- 1
[feat]: Keyboard layout customization
#2616 opened by pakovm-git - 1
[bug]: Update failing
#2615 opened by jwilkins - 3
[feat]: LabelBase for syncing BIP329 Labels
#2606 opened by storopoli - 0
[feat] Replace Postgres
#2530 opened by MattDHill - 0
[feat] LAN Port Forwarding
#2529 opened by MattDHill - 0
[feat] new container runtime
#2532 opened by MattDHill - 3
[feat] Containerize StartOS
#2548 opened by kn0wmad - 0
[maint] Improve Network Backup Error Messaging
#2568 opened by kn0wmad - 4
[bug]: StartOS launch error: The file opening '"/embassy-data/package-data/scripts/bitcoind/"' created error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
#2566 opened by cocopoppyhead - 0
- 1
- 0
(feat) passkey auth
#2551 opened by MattDHill - 1
[bug]: Pressing "Update" on the Updates page makes all versions on all registries display a spinner
#2550 opened by gStart9 - 0
create /ever-sdk-js
#2547 opened by Toromambo - 1
[bug]: Unable to Launch UI and access the app
#2542 opened by YapWC - 0
[feat] Partial Transfers
#2535 opened by kn0wmad - 0
[feat] Ability to Pop a Terminal in Kiosk Mode
#2505 opened by kn0wmad - 4
[feat]: Check password lenght at setup
#2454 opened by ademar111190