
Stupidly simple implementation of 3D game engine based on DirectX 11.

Primary LanguageC#

Nuul icon

Nuul - 3D Game Engine

Built with .NET and DirectX 11 wrapper (SharpDX).
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How it should work

Example of creating game logic:
// Create Scene.
Scene scene = new Scene("Main");

// Create game objects with components.
GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("obstacle");
MeshRenderer meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer();

// Add object to scene.

Another example:

// Create game objects with components.
GameObject gameObject1 = new GameObject("obstacle1");
MeshRenderer meshRenderer1 = new MeshRenderer("model1.fbx");

// Add object to collection.
GameObjectCollection collection = new GameObjectCollection();

// And than create Scene.
Scene scene1 = new Scene("Main1", collection);

Getting component from GameObject instance:

RigidBody rb = gameObject.GetComponent<RigidBody>();