
This is an example for how to prepare a valid submission for the MICCAI L2L Challenge

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

L2L Challenge Example Submission

This is an example for how to prepare a valid submission for the MICCAI L2L Challenge

It is based on the pretrained imagenet example from MIMeta and process input images and generates predictions by fine-tuning a pretrained network on the target task.

A real submission will likely be more complex and probably contain multiple python modules, but this example should give you a good starting point.

Please also note that in this example we aimed for clean and simple code, not runtime efficiency. A more efficient fine-tuning loop would allow for more steps and a larger network, given the available evaluation time.

How to replicate this example


  • Python 3.10
  • pip
  • singularity

Install dependencies

Create a new environment with python>=3.10 and install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download the model

In the example_submission directory, run download.py to download the model. This allow us to put the model in the container and avoid downloading it at evaluation time. Containers will not have access to the internet on the evaluation server.

python download.py

Build the singularity container

Still in the example_submission directory, run the following command to build the singularity container:

singularity build --fakeroot --force example-submission.sif singularity.def


Container Specifications for your own containers

  • Containers will be run with the following command:
singularity run --fakeroot --net --network none --containall --no-home --bind $INPUT_PATH:$INTERNAL_INPUT_PATH:ro --bind $RESULT_PATH:$INTERNAT_RESULT_PATH $CONTAINER_PATH $INTERNAL_INPUT_PATH $INTERNAL_RESULT_PATH
  • Containers cannot write in any directories except for ´/tmp´. Containers can also write to the bound output file.
  • The input file and output file are bound to directories in the root folder with randomly generated names. The inout and output locations are passed to the run script as the first two arguments.
  • The input pkl file contains a TorchCross Task which contains an uncollated list of data points, i.e. a list of pairs of tensors, as the support dataset. The query set is the same in structure but does not contain labels.
  • The output is expected to be saved as a pkl file containing a tensor of predictions or a tensor of probabilities


Stefano Woerner, Bartłomiej Baranowski