
Simple, precise, accurate and fast Geographic/Cartesian coordinate transformations via C++ header-only implementation.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Stellacore Corporation.

Peridetic - Easy and Effective Geodetic Transformations

Peridetic is an extremely lightweight, easy-to-use, simple C++ header file implementation providing precise, accurate and fast transformations between Geodetic (lon/lat/alt) and Cartesian (x/y/z) coordinate expressions - without any other overhead.

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Peridetic - Key Points


Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity, lightweight, small and easy.

  • Install (or simply copy the header file pair from /include directory), compile and go. (ref Getting Started)


Tiny code size with extremely low memory/data usage (on the order of 5kB).

  • Ideal for low-power and low-performance devices (e.g. phones, raspberry-pi, custom ARM processors, etc).


  • Peridetic uses the permissive MIT/X11 License supporting any use cases including commercial ones.


Provides the two most fundamental and ubiquitous geodetic/rectangular coordinate transformations (ref examples) which can be used to obtain:

  • Longitude/Latitude/(ellipsoidal)Altitude from Cartesian (XYZ)

  • Cartesian XYZ coordinates from Longitude/Latitude/Altitude


  • Land/Terrestrial - E.g. infrastructure, vehicles, pedestrians, mountain climbing, etc.

  • Bathymetric - E.g. ships, submarines, undersea cables, buoys, etc.

  • Aviation - E.g. aircraft, UAV/drones, balloons, instrumented birds, etc.

  • Space - E.g. low-Earth and remote sensing satellite orbits out to geosynchronous satellites and beyond (although with slightly reduced speed at the most extreme distances)


  • Optimal domain is within +/-100[km] altitude from Earth's (ellipsoid) surface. (ref Altitude Optimal Domain)

  • Precision: Better than ~7.6[nm] within the optimal domain which corresponds with computational relative precision of approximately 1.e-15 which approaches the limit of 64-bit IEEE-754 'double' type (with a touch of room for computation noise).

  • Accuracy: Agrees with select globally distributed NOAA/NGS CORS stations within their published coordinate precision of 1[mm].

  • Speed: Comparable to fastest available algorithms in terms of floating point operations counts. For speed, be sure to build with optimization enabled

Limitations and Cautions:

  • Less optimized for use in outer space (although internal precision remains under approximately 0.2[um] at lunar distances).

  • Less optimized for use deep within Earth interior (although transformations still meet design precision limits until below approximately -5800[km] depths (within about 600[km] of Earth's center.

    • Locations until altitudes below -6300[km], still transform with sub[mm] precision (roundtrip consistency better than 100[um]). However, if depths below this region are important to you, then you are working in a extremely specialized and novel domain that is not within scope here.
  • This implementation addresses standard Geodetic coordinate conversions in which longitude/paralell angles are associated to an ellipsoidal Figure of Earth. By contrast, astrodetic lon/par values are referenced to a Geoid (local level surface) instead. Astrometric conversions are outside the scope of these Peridetic transformations.

    • This web page provides a fairly clear and accessible description of the various types of coordinate systems and distinctions between them.
  • The section, Transformation Precision, provides detail on precision both inside and outside the optimal altitude domain and the section, Trasnformation Accuracy), addresses "truth" of values on Earth's surface as compared with established and accepted National standards.

Peridetic - Project Info

Project Motivation

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers are everywhere (e.g. phones, cars, etc), and existing geodetic information is ubiquitous (e.g. maps, infrastructure databases, etc). Therefore, software operating with either/both generally needs to convert coordinate locations expressed in one system into an equivalent representation in the other domain.

Geodetic transformations provide the means to convert the Cartesian coordinate data values (aka "ECEF", "XYZ") into/from Geodetic coordinates associated with conventional terrestrial locations expressed in geographic terms (aka "lon/lat" or "longitude, latitude, altitude").

Software development projects, even simple ones, often need to perform these transformations. However, available existing transformation software is typically only available as a small portion of some much larger project. This can be inconvenient in requiring a full installation processes, dealing with the large package learning curve, and, most critically, creates a need to carry (potentially large) dependencies forward in the (often small) project work otherwise at hand.

Peridetic addresses this need by offering the two core geodetic transformations without overhead of installing or learning a new environment and without creating any unnecessary dependencies for software development or runtime environments.

If "All you want to do is convert XYZ into/from LPA values and vice versa", and you're using C++, then this Peridetic package has been created just for you.

If you need more than these two most-simple of transformations, consider more extensive full-featured alternatives

Project Concept

Peridetic provides (MIT license) C++ header code that performs very precise and accurate transformation from/into geodetic coordinates (longitude, latitude, and ellipsoidal altitude) and Cartesian "XYZ" (Earth Centered Earth Fixed - ECEF). The transformation performance is optimized for locations "near" (within +/- 100[km]) of Earth's ellipsoidal surface.

Project Name

The project name, Peridetic, is a catenation of "PERI" and [geo]"DETIC". The components are associated with Greek words "peri", meaning near and around (to Earth's surface), and "daiesthai" meaning "to divide" (into measurable units). The name Peredetic is intended to be refelctive of geodetic operations that are highly performant within the important practical domain of operation within approximately +/- 100[km] Earth's surface (ref: optimal domain).

Project Contributions

If you're interested to contribute...

First of all, thank you for your interest in Perdetic and for considering to provide comments, suggestions, ideas and/or criticisms - all of which are welcomed with open arms.

For quick comments, you can send a short Email. If you wish to offer more extensive and/or specific change suggestions, please fork the repository and issue a pull request from a rebased branch in the fork repo.

The vision behind Peridetic is "utility with simplicity". Candidate areas to consider contribution include:

  • Description/Documentation: Feedback pertaining to further simplification of the code, its description and/or this github project structure are particularly welcome (especially to improve documentation). Perhaps starting with this "README" page.

  • Correspoinding Coordinates: Another useful contribution would be identification and selection of known transformation pair data in the form of corresponding coordinates at other stations around the world. E.g. Station locations associated with different national systems and reference networks (ref Accuracy section) and/or high-accuracy cooresponding coordinate pairs associated with other ellipsoid shapes.

  • Terminology: The Peridetic project (code and documentation) strives to use consistent accepted terminology. However, some initial work did not focus on this and may be a touch sloppy with terminology. Identification of any misleading or ambiguous terminology is most welcome. As a target, the Peridetic project terminology should be consistent with the NGS glossary

Peridetic - Getting Started

To get started immediately:

Documentation sources include:

  • Top-level README.md (this file)

  • Project documentation (doxygen pages) can be generated from a cloned repository copy (ref CMake Build section.

E.g. to only generate documentation pages:

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/Stellacore/peridetic.git
$ mkdir /tmp/perideticBuild
$ cd /tmp/perideticBuild
$ cmake /tmp/peridetic
$ make docs
$ <favoriteBrowser> /tmp/perideticBuild/doc/html/index.html



Simply download or cut/paste the two header files peridetic.h and periDetail.h from this repo's /include directory and put them into your development environment wherever you want (e.g. your own project or a local or system include directory as you like).

CMake Build

In general, for a formal development process, clone this project then build and use in one of two ways:

  • Library build: Since this is a header only implementation the 'build' process is not necessary in order to use the transformations. However it does produces the software API and implementation documentation (via doxygen) as well as the test and verification programs.

  • Build a formal software distribution package, then install it onto local development environments (and/or into containers) for general use.

E.g. to build Perdietic in /tmp:

$ mkdir /tmp/perideticWorkArea  # or wherevever you like
$ cd /tmp/perideticWorkArea
$ git clone https://github.com/Stellacore/peridetic.git
$ mkdir tmpBuild  # i.e. /tmp/perideticWorkArea/tmpBuild
$ cd tmpBuild
$ cmake ../peridetic -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
	# -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp # e.g. install location (here /tmp)
	# for other than default behavior
	# optionally add command line specifications
	# or edit CMakeCache file (e.g. cmake-gui) as you like
$ make -j `nproc` # builds documentation with doxygen (also eval/tests)
	# provides peridetic{Targets,Config}.cmake files for cmake
$ ctest # run test and verification programs
$ cpack # creates install packages
	# e.g.: peridetic-*-Linux.deb

Then continue with platform/package specific below

For Debian packages (e.g. on Ubuntu/Debian linux)

By default (i.e. unless you provide cmake command options or changed content of the CMakeCache.txt file), installation will include:

  • /usr/local/include/peridetic/ -- containing the core header files (i.e. all that is needed for use in your application)

  • /usr/local/share/doc/peridetic/ -- containing package documentation (i.e. API and software reference documentation). E.g. point brower to local html index:

    • /usr/local/share/doc/peridetic/html/index.html
  • /usr/local/lib/cmake/peridetic/ -- containing cmake project files (e.g. to intergrate with other development work using cmake)

On any system that supports Debian formatted packages, continue with e.g.

$ sudo apt-get install ./peridetic-<VER>-Linux.deb
	# use version ID in place of '<VER>'


$ cd /tmp  # or somewhere else
$ rm -rf /tmp/perideticWorkArea

To uninstall (e.g. some time later)

$ sudu apt-get remove peridetic

Then proceed with use in your own work.

  • Usage:

    • Simple Illustrative Examples -- description in text below. Ref General Use section below.

    • Definitive Examples -- stand-alone programs from project "/examples" directory. Ref Detail Examples

    • This project's ./periUse sub directory contains an example mini-project (hello world style) using Peridetic as part of an external project built with CMake.

  • Questions and Feedback:

    • Comments/requests and questions via Email.

Using Installed Peridetic

For a concrete example of building an independent/stand-alone consuming project against an already installed Peridetic, refer to the periUse sub directory. The "hello world" style periUse 'mini-project' example also demonstrates the use of CMake "find-package()" command to locate an already-installed Peridetic resource.

Peridetic - General Use

Peridetic transformations are very easy to use. Include the source header file and call one or both transformation functions that are in the "peri" namespace. Functions use standard C++ structures for argument and return types. All data values are interpreted consistently in ISO standard units: radians for angles; meters for distances.

Illustrative Description:

NOTE: this section contains generally illustrative text (missing a few things and possibly including typos). For definitive, compilable, and executable code, refer to the source file links in Definitive Example Code section.

Using data type aliases from peridetic.h the core usage is:

// include header for function declarations and definitions
#include "peridetic.h" // indirectly includes implementation periDetail.h

// Geodetic from Cartesian  (using type aliases for std::array returns)
peri::XYZ const haveXyz{ -1266643.136, -4727176.539, 4079014.032 };
peri::LPA const wantLPA{ peri::lpaForXyz(haveXyz) };

// Cartesian from Geodetic
peri::LPA const haveLpa{ -1.832595715, 0.698131701, 1600.000 };
peri::XYZ const wantXYZ{ peri::xyzForLpa(haveLpa) };

In terms of explicit data types:

// include header for function declarations and definitions
#include "peridetic.h" // indirectly includes implementation periDetail.h

// Geodetic from Cartesian
std::array<double, 3u> const gotLPA
	{ peri::lpaForXyz
		( std::array<double, 3u>{ -1266643.136, -4727176.539, 4079014.032 }
// Cartesian from Geodetic
std::array<double, 3u> const gotXYZ
	{ peri::xyzForLpa
		( std::array<double, 3u>{ -1.832595715, 0.698131701, 1600.000 }

Definitive Example Code

The following main program source code files provide compilable use-case examples and also can be used as stand-alone coordinate conversion utilities (e.g. for one off conversions, call from scripts, etc).

Demonstration/utility example programs include:

  • lpaForXyz.cpp -- Report equivalent Geodetic coordinate values for three command line Cartesian XYZ coordinate values expressed in meters.

  • xyzForLpaRadians.cpp -- Report equivalent Cartesian coordinates for three command line geodetic coordinate values with longitude/parallel(latitude) expressed in radians and altitude expressed in meters.

  • xyzForLpaDegrees.cpp -- Report equivalent Cartesian coordinates for three command line geodetic coordinate values with longitude/parallel(latitude) expressed in (non-standard)degrees and altitude expressed in meters.

Peridetic - Context and Alternatives

Perietic is an extremely focused software capability that exists in the context of overall general geospatial technologies. There are many software applications and development resources available in this overall domain.

  • ... OSGeo -- A particularly useful archive of complementary geospatial technologies may be found at the OSGeo Foundation website:

For Geodetic/Cartesian coordinate conversions, there are a number of existing alternative software options for performing Geodetic transformations. Most of these include many additional capabilities and involve installing large software packages. However, if you need more extensive geodetic capabilities and/or additional features (e.g. cartography, magnetism, etc.), these are well worth consideration.

  • ... GeographicLib -- Full C++ environment with many additional capabilities (geodesic paths, cartographic projections, magnetism, Geoid, etc).

    • https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/

    • By comparison with Peridetic, requires installing large software package/dependencies and data files, but it provides a much, much larger collection of general geospatial capabilities especialy for working with map projections, geoid models, path distances and geodesics, and magnestism.

  • ... PROJ -- Full blown mapping package with many additional capabilities especially in relation to cartographic projections and datum accommodations.

    • https://www.osgeo.org/projects/proj/

    • By comparison with Peridetic, requires installing a large software package/dependency and database files, but provides an extremely complete and detailed collection of capabilities for determining cartographic (map) coordinate in a plethora of reference systems.

After creating the Peridetic code, a previously existing similarly capable and lightweight package was discovered that was missed during initial searches prior to developing Peridetic.

  • ... ecef-geodetic -- provides a collection of multiple ECEF-to-geodetic coordinate conversion functions.

    • https://github.com/planet36/ecef-geodetic

    • By comparison with Peridetic, this package offers a selection of multiple different algorithms for performing geodetic/rectangular coordinate conversions whereas Peridetic provides only a single (but well tested, externally verified, and fast) computation algorithm.

Peridetic - Technical Detail

A mathematical description of the equations and formulae involved is presented in the technical note: ./doc/perideticSummary.pdf


A comment on terminology and notation:

  • "XYZ" is used herein to denote classic Cartesian coordinates. In technical math speak - the three components of a true 3D vector as it is expressed with respect to a orthonormal dextral (right-handed) basis. For code purposes, all data values (input arguments and return values) are interpreted as meters.

  • "LPA" is used herein to denote geodetic coordinates. The letters stand for "Longitude", "Parallel" (of latitude), and (ellipsoidal) "Altitude". The use of the "P" (instead of a second 'L') provides an easy way to distinguish the two geodetic location angles in single-letter notation.

Note that "Altitude" is used herein to mean "ellipsoidal height"

  • I.e. the directed distance from the surface of the ellipsoid to the point of interest.

The magnitude of the altitude value may be interpreted as the shortest distance between the point of interest and any other point on the ellipsoidal surface (singularities and multiple solution conditions near Earth center are outside of the design domain). The algebraic sign of altitude values is positive for point locations outside the ellipsoid surface (locally upward) and is negative for points of interest within the ellipsoid (locally downward)

Basic Geodesy

The concept of geodetic location (the LP parts of LPA) is only meaningful when the angles are interpreted in association with a specific "Figure of Earth".

For standard geodetic coordinate conversions, the Figure of Earth, is accepted to be an ellipsoid of revolution (specifically an oblate one with equatorial radius larger then polar radius).

Peridetic header files include definitions for two shapes, the WGS84 and GRS80 ellipsoids, which are commonly encountered with GNSS data and modern geographic data uses. Other standard and/or entirely custom ellipsoids are easily created and can be used directly with the transformation functions (Ref peri::model namespace classes in periDetail.h implementation header).

The transformations offer the WGS84 as a default ellipsoid so that transformations are out-of-box compatible with most modern GNSS data. Note that, in applications terms, the WGS84 ellipsoid is, for virtually all practical purposes, simply a different way of specifying the same shape as does the GRS80 ellipsoid (to within 0.1[mm] at the North pole).

Peridetic - Software Considerations

At it's core, this Peridetic project comprises two source code header files:

  • peridetic.h -- public interface (which has internal #include periDetail.h)

  • periDetail.h -- implementation (inline functions) code

Software Environment

Software development points include:


  • Standard C++11 for header use (i.e. public headers), C++17 for test code.


  • GCC - primary (9.3), (10.1)

  • Clang - verified (7.0.1)


  • Via "#include" directive for simple use

  • Via CMake for building documentation and/or distribution package.



  • Precision requires availability of 8-byte (64-bit) or larger "double" type.

  • Tested on

    • x86 - (primary: AMD Ryzen 2700)


  • NOTE! To obtain reasonable performance it is important to compile with optimization enabled. (Implementation involves many, many short inline functions and variable assignment operations that entirely disappear when compiled with optimization, but will represent a very large number of (slow) function calls and (unnecessary) copy assignments if not compiled with optimization

      If using CMake, NOTE that the default CMake setup
      configuration, when cmake is run with no override options,
      creates build instructions for debug mode. To obtain
      reasonable transformation performance, be sure to override
      the default behavior. (E.g. with "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"

Error Handling:

  • No exceptions are involved or utilized within the Peridetic code (none used, none thrown)

  • Internal code supports quite_NaN propagation (if any input data are NaN, then result is returned with all components set to NaN values)

Thread safety:

  • Functions should be(+) both re-entrant and thread safe

    • (+) expected to be true, but has not been verified explicitly.

Executable Code Overhead:

  • Peridetic adds very little code/data size to executable programs. Ref. the code size example in periUse sub directory.

Use and Integration

This project can be used in your own code in two ways:

  • Copy the "peridetic.h" public header file, and the "periDetail.h" implementation detail header file wherever you wish and incorporate this location into build include path, then include the "peridetic.h" file in your own source code, compile and go.

  • -or- Incorporate this project into another development effort using the "cmake" paradigm. If using CMake in your own project, you can include something like the following in relevant CMakeLists.txt file.

Example CMakeLists.txt file syntax:

# Find (previously) installed perdietic library
find_package(peridetic REQUIRED NO_MODULE)
message(Found: ${peridetic_FOUND})
message(Version: ${peridetic_VERSION})

# dependency for myTarget


This code may be used for any purpose (including commercial) provided the copy right notice is retained as described in the MIT (aka X11) License)

Data Preconditions

Function arguments have a generally valid interpretation if they contain non-degenerate numeric values (i.e. provided values are not NaN or infinity values. Therefore, no input argument value testing is performed within transformation functions.

However, if input data contain any NaN values, then those are propagated through computations, such that all components of the return array are set to NaN (e.g. supports null value propagation associated with "null object" design pattern).

Crazy Values

Internal checking of values is limited to conditions that may reasonably be expected to occur in the course of processing meaningful data.

It is intentional that there is no code (nor overhead) to test for poorly formed data values such as infinity or subnormal values. Any such values are propagated through computations based on the properties and characteristics of local compiler, libraries and hardware.

If handling of questionable data values is important, then consider wrapping the transforms functions inside a data qualification/validity test along the lines of:

double const wildValueComponent{ ... };
// test for each component that might contain bad data
if ((0. == wildValueComponent) || std::isnormal(wildValueComponent))
	// Here, wildValueComponent will be a computationally valid component.
	// -- application can introduce further restrictions as appropriate
	// -- e.g. to restrict angle values to principal domain, etc., etc.

NaN values are used internally to represent "null" (i.e. undefined or uninitialized values). In general, these are not visible to consuming code. However, if the calling code provides any NaN values as input data then all-NaN value data instances will be returned. Consuming code, if desired, can rely on this for use as part of a "null object pattern" paradigm.

E.g. consumer code can verify that return data values are valid (which they should always be unless input values are out of control) by checking for quite_NaN. For invalid return values, if any component is bad, then all components are set to NaN values, so that only one of the array elements need be tested. E.g.

peri::XYZ const ecefLoc{ peri::xyzForLpa(...) };
if (! std::isnan(ecefLoc[0]))
	// Life is good
Data Interpretation and Integrity

Large magnitude input angle values, will be wrapped into principal angle domains, and interpreted accordingly.

Therefore, beware of the easy potential mistake of providing an angle in units of (wrong)degrees (or gradians) instead of correct units of radians. For example (e.g. a numeric value of 90.0 is interpreted as an angle of ~=1.7575743 not the potentially (incorrectly)expected quarter turn of ~=1.5707963 radians).

Overall, consuming code is expected to be nominally responsible for itself in terms of providing values that are meaningful in a geodetic sense.

For best numeric stability provide angle values within principle domain between +/-pi in order to capture full precision of the specified angle values.

For example, negative altitude values with magnitude greater than the ellipsoid's polar radius are not valid geodetic coordinates. To avoid the overhead in testing for such a silly condition, Peridetic assumes the consuming code is sufficiently responsible to avoid this. If not, add your own data validation wrapper guards around the Peridetic function calls.

Overall, as long as the calling code is reasonably responsible handling its own data values, then everything should be fine. If you are uncomfortable with this level of responsibility in consuming code, you might consider utilizing a few utility functions from the project test environment:

  • Ref the [periLocal.h] (https://github.com/Stellacore/peridetic/blob/main/tests/periLocal.h) header file in "/tests" subdirectory. This is a header file used in development/testing. It includes various functions that may be generally useful in the context of gedetic data value interpretations (e.g. isValid(), infoString(), principalAngle(), etc). For usage information, build the project and point browser at the generated doxygen html documentation.

Peridetic - Transformation Details

Transformations for Location Representations

  • Geodetic Surface Location (LPA) from Earth Centered Cartesian (XYZ)

  • Earth Centered Cartesian (XYZ) from Geodetic Surface Location (LPA)

The standard LPA and XYZ coordinate representations are both specified as a triple of numeric values (std::array) but with dramatically different interpretations. The specific interpretation of the XYZ and LPA coordinate systems are described in detail further below.

It is important to note that the conversion between XYZ/LPA representations is inextricably associated with a specific model for the Figure of Earth. For Peridetic (as for geodetic coordinates in general), the Earth shape model is an ellipsoid. (Note: astrodetic lon/par values are referenced to an undulating Geoid instead of an ellipsoid. Astrometric conversions are outside the scope of these Peridetic transformations).

Reference Ellipsoids

Reference Ellipsoids - are used to define the origin and alignment of the underlying coordinate frames for both XYZ and LPA data values. A specific and/or custom reference ellipsoid may be provided to each transformation. If none is provided then the WGS84 ellipsoid is used.

There are many subtleties in exactly what constitutes a "best-fit" ellipsoid as it relates to the physical "Figure of the Earth". However most commonly used ellipsoid models have dimensions that are within a few 100[m] of each other and the most commonly used ellipsoids differ from a pure spherical model by less than about +/-11[km] between equatorial and polar semi-axes.

Peridetic provides two common Earth model specifications:

  • GRS80 - ref peri::model::GRS80

  • WGS84 - ref peri::model::WGS84

  • Other standard as well as custom ellipsoids may be created easily via peri::Shape and peri::EarthModel data structures. Ref doxygen-comment documentation in periDetail.h file (viz the peri::model namespace documentation).


Geodetic Surface Location is expressed by three values denoted as "LPA", where

  • Origin.LP - is on the surface of ellipsoid at a point on its equator chosen (arbitrarily) to be identified with the prime meridian of particular convention (e.g. Greenwich, Paris, Mecca, and others).

  • L(ongitude) - is an azimuthal angle (in radians), positive Eastward from the prime meridian.

  • P(arallel) - (of latitude) is an elevation angle (in radians), positive Northward from the equator.

  • Origin.A - is dynamically defined to lie on the surface of the ellipsoid at the location specified by the LP ellispoid angle coordinates.

  • A(ltitude) - is the distance of a point from the Origin.A location. The "A" value is associated with a distance value that is differentially "stationary" with respect to small changes in LP coordinates. In practice, multiple solutions are resolved by selecting the "A" to be at point on the ellipsoid that is closest to the point of interest. The altitude is positive for points outside the ellipsoid (e.g. "upward"), and negative for points inside it (e.g. "downward").

For an explanation of Longitude and Latitude angles, ref: the NGS glossary entry for "coordinate, geocentric".

Note that Peridetic uses the term "parallel" in place of latitude (to facilitate unique naming notations) and uses the term "altitude" to be clear that the interpretation is applied to an ellipsoid (in effort to reduce confusion associated with the many uses of "height" and "elevation").

Remarks on LPA Coordinates

The LPA ellipsoidal coordinate frame is often useful when dealing with local topocentric applications and often used for navigation on and near the surface of Earth.

The LPA system is an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. Three unique basis vectors (aka axes) can be defined for each individual point in space. However, for these basis directions to be defined uniquely, requires specification (or assumption) of a specific underlying ellipsoid. I.e. the LPA coordinate values are determined BOTH by the point location AND by the ellipsoid acting in combination with each other.

To resolve mathematical ambiguities expressing "the" LPA representation of a point in space, the specific LPA representation is the one associated with the point on the ellipsoid surface that is closest to the point of interest.

Note that, even given a specific fixed ellipsoid, the LPA values still are NOT mathematically unique. As just one illustrative example, a point at zero longitude, on the equator and on surface of ellipsoid has conventional LPA value of (0,0,0). A second, mathematically valid solution, is associated with the antipodal point on the other side of Earth that is also on the equator but for which the altitude is an extreme negative value equal to twice the equatorial radius, i.e. mathematical LPA value of (pi,0,-2b) where 'b' is an equatorial radius of the ellipsoid.

Every point in space has at least this kind of dual LPA representation. Point locations near and below Earth's surface are typically associated with an additional pair of candidate LPA solutions. Some locations are associated with an infinity of potential LPA expressions. E.g. the origin (center of Earth) has an infinite number of LPA representations (both poles as well as anywhere on equator).

In mathematical terms, there are generally four separate and discrete LPA representations for a given XYZ location (not near the very center of the ellipsoid). In some cases, two of these solutions are mathematically "imaginary" and have no physical correspondence.

Although LPA values are fundamentally defined for locations arbitrarily far away from the ellipsoid (i.e. in deep space), it may be questionable if it is correct to be using Geodetic LPA values (instead of e.g. astrodetic ones). E.g. At geostationary satellite distances (altitude of ~=3e5[km]), a one arc-minute deflection of vertical (difference of between Geodetic and Astrodetic locations) corresponds to "horizontal" position difference approaching 10[m].

Peridetic's Geodetic transformations are optimized for locations "on" and "near" the surface of Earth (ref: optimal domain). In this case, the singularities near to the center of Earth are irrelevant (ref: special cases).

LPA values are not true coordinates (in the sense of co-important ordinate values). Rather the LPA expression is a "labeling convention" that comprises a triple of hetrogenous values for every point location in combination with two global, and often implicit, values expressing the shape of an ellipsoid of revolution. The individual components generally can not be meaningfully combined with each other nor with the components of other LPA locations without involving elaborate transformation operations (like first converting into corresponding XYZ expressions, doing the math, then converting back - which is another use-case for this project;-).


The abbreviation "XYZ" is used to denote coordinates in a Cartesian Coordinate system that are also known commonly as the "ECEF" (Earth Centered, Earth Fixed) coordinates and/or as "Rectangular Geocentric Coordinates".

Ref: "coordinate, Cartesian"

Remarks on XYZ Coordinates

The XYZ (ECEF) Cartesian coordinate frame is often useful when working with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) observations and/or other computations that are global in scope.

  • Origin - Is associated with the geometric center of the reference ellipsoid. For modern geodetic ellipsoids, the ellipsoid center is associated with the centroid of Earth's overall mass distribution. For older geodetic ellipsoids, the center may be defined such that (only a portion of) the ellipsoid has a "best" fit for its surface over a specific region or country.

  • Z - is the axis orthogonal to the equator, i.e. orthogonal to the plane of rotation for the ellipsoid under consideration. On Earth, the positive "Z" axis points toward the North pole.

  • X - is axis in the equatorial plane, orthogonal to "Z" and directed toward the prime meridian. On Earth, when using the Greenwich prime meridian(+), the positive "X" points approximately toward the Gulf of Guinea.

  • Y - is axis mutually orthogonal to Z and X in "right-hand" sense. On Earth (for Greenwich prime), the positive "Y" axis points to a location south of the Bay of Bengal.

(+) Historical Note: the historically defined "Greenwich Meridian" identified with the "Airy Transit Circle" is slightly West of the WGS84 0-longitude meridian. Cf. Why the Greenwich meridian moved

The XYZ is a classic orthonormal rectangular coordinate system. It is associated with three basis vectors (aka "axes"). Each basis vector has unit magnitude (is "normalized"). The three axes are mutually perpendicular (are "orthogonal") and have a dextral (aka "right-handed") chirality interpretation (in the cyclic order: "X", "Y", "Z").

Using XYZ coordinates, distances and angles can be computed directly from the coordinate component values (e.g. via Pythagorean theorem, the law of cosines, etc). The XYZ (vector) coordinates can be added, subtracted, and otherwise manipulated as vectors (because they are vectors).

Optimal Domain on Altitude

The good performance of computations and high quality of results produced by the code in this project are associated with a particular optimal domain. Results remain entirely useful outside of this domain, although the quality and performance may be less than when operating inside the optimum domain.

Practical applications are typically concerned with locations and motions within the atmosphere, at sea, and on, or just below, the surface of Earth. A useful (conservative) definition of this region may be specified arbitrarily as the volume of space within +/-100[km] of the ellipsoidal shape being used to approximate the Earth surface.

There is nothing magic about this arbitrary +/-100[km] threshold. However it is a useful limit at which to evaluate and express transformation precision and accuracy since this region encompasses the overwhelming majority of practical use-cases. Higher altitudes are conventionally associated with "outer space" while lower altitudes are physically inaccessible with current technology.

The Transformation Precision section describes what to expect for transformation of locations outside this optimum domain.

Peridetic - Technical Deep Dive

Transformation Algorithms

In general, geodetic transformations are non-linear operations for which computation can be somewhat complex and involved. However, most practical applications of Geodesy involve spatial locations that are fairly "near" to Earth's surface (e.g. within +/-100[km]). Within this domain, the transformations can exploit techniques that remain highly accurate and precise while being simpler to implement and faster to run than various "theoretically-elegant" analytical solutions.

There are a number of papers that espouse the use of "closed form" solutions for the LPA from XYZ conversion. Certainly these approaches could be utilized for implementation of Peridetic. However, those solutions (generally based on analytical solutions of quartic equations) involve a fair number of steps, sometimes also testing and switching logic, and they require evaluation of n-th roots computations (i.e. cube roots and square roots).

Numerically iterative approaches are sometimes considered "inelegant". However, consider that the n-th root computations required to evaluate the "closed form" geodetic solutions are not actually elementary algebraic operations. Rather the root extraction computations are themselves evaluated numerically with iterative algorithms. These root computations may be implemented within processor silicon and by very fast. However, for some architectures, the iterative root algorithms are implemented in processor firmware or in math library source code which may be much slower.

Peridetic algorithms utilize a simple, fast and precise direct numeric iteration approach which involves minimal use of transcendental function evaluations - a minimum number of square root evaluations are needed during solution process and only two trig function evaluations (of std::atan2()) at the end for expressing longitude/parallel information as conventional (radian) angle values.

The mathematical formulae and algorithm detail are described in:

Transformation Precision

For purposes here, "precision" is defined loosely as "self-consistency", "repeatability", "computational significance". As such, it is an intrinsic metric that describes the quality of the computations more so than the quality associated with data values. (Quality of data values is addressed in the following section on accuracy).

Peridetic transformations are self-consistent with a precision on the order of 7.6[nm] for locations within the operational optimal design domain (i.e. within +/-100[km] from Earth surface). This level of precision extends considerably farther in altitude although runtime performance efficiency may drop slightly if operating outside the optimal domain.

The precision (worst case for any coordinate component) changes as function of point location altitudes (Alt values):

  • Alt < -6300[km]: -- Out of range! Don't do - expect garbage.

    • If you expect data in this range, then your application is outside the scope of validity for using Peridetic.

    • If you have a legitimate use-case for needing to do this, please describe it briefly in an email, and the project author will buy you a beverage.

  • -6300[km] <= Alt < -5800[km]: -- Reduced precision, < 100[um]

  • -5800[km] <= Alt < +11000[km]: -- Meets design precision, < 7.6[nm]

    • -100[km] <= Alt <= 100[km]: -- is optimal performance design domain
  • +11000[km] <= Alt < +405[Mm]: -- Reduced precision, < 0.2[um]

  • Beyond lunar distances, precision will continue to drop as altitude increases. As an extreme example: at the altitude of Sagittarius A-star, the Milkyway's black hole, transform precision reduces to <100[km]. On the order of 1/4 of the way to Andromeda gallaxy, a 64-bit double completely loses all precision for expressing distances relative to the size of Earth.

The above precision reports are created by testing round trip transformations for various point locations well distributed with respect to the ellipsoid. For testing within the optimal domain, results for approximately 1M point locations are evaluated.

For precision testing, the transformations are evaluated for self-consistency. Note that self-consistency does not constitute a proof of correctness, but only provides a measure of numeric/computational noise involved. Therefore, even if transformation computations are precise, there is the completely independent question concerning how accurate (correct) are the results.

The question of accuracy is addressed in the following section on accuracy.

Transformation Accuracy

To determine transformation accuracy it is necessary to compare results with "absolute" or "known" values available from external sources.

This current implementation of Peridetic is evaluated using published data sources described in the following sections.

NOAA/NGS/CORS network comparisons:

A sampling of published CORS geodetic network reference station locations is used to evaluate the accuracy of the Peridetic coordinate expression transformations.

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is a branch of the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA:

"NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) provides the framework
for all positioning activities in the Nation."

The NGS manages the Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) network of station location observations. Although the network is concentrated within the U.S. it also includes a number of stations scattered around the globe.

The following stations were selected with an emphasis on variation of geodetic location (longitude and latitude) and elevation (altitude).


For each station, NGS publishes both Geodetic and Cartesian coordinates. The following is an example of the published data values obtainable from the interactive NGS CORS Map:

> ITRF2014 POSITION (EPOCH 2010.0)
> Computed in Jul 2020 using 14 days of data.
>     X =  -3851330.396 m     latitude    =  52 42 52.63061 N
>     Y =    399608.571 m     longitude   = 174 04 34.56698 E
>     Z =   5051382.453 m     ellipsoid height =   18.309   m

These values are used to evaluate Peridetic transforms via a process that includes:

  • Cut-n-paste data from the NGS interactive map site into a header file (in the peridetic development and testing codebase). Ref corsDataPairs.h header in /tests directory.

  • Unit test code reads data from this header file and populates program variables with "expected" data values. E.g.:

    • expXYZ

    • expLPA -- after decoding d-m-s values into Radians.

  • The expected values are transformed in each direction to obtain "got" values. E.g.

    • gotXYZ=xyzForLpa(expLPA)

    • gotLPA=lpaForXYZ(expXYZ).

  • The "got" values are compared with their corresponding "expected" values and differences are compared against tolerance values. The tolerance values used reflect the published data precision:

    • Angular tolerance of { 172. / 1024./1024./1024./1024. }; This is <.16[nRad] (published LP angular values have resolution of approximately .049[nRad], but the published XYZ coordinates only have +/-1[mm] precision for comparison. A surface distance of 1[mm] corresponds with a larger angle ~.16[nRad] which is therefore used for testing.

    • Linear tolerance of { 1./1024. }; // CORS file XYZ published to [mm]

  • All pairs of coordinates are required to pass this tolerance test (in both directions, lpaForXyz and xyzForLpa).

Overall, the Peridetic transforms are thought to be correct as described above. The open source transparency of the algorithm and implementation code along with opportunity for associated peer review should help provides assurance on the quality. However...

...Please note the "AS IS" clause of the associated license.

Transformation Quality and Testing

The quality metrics described above are checked by the unit and verification test programs contained in the project "/tests" directory and may be compiled and run using the CMake/CTest paradigm.

  • Test programs in /tests projects directory.

  • Each test is an independent program. Diagnostic and error messages are sent to std::cout and std::cerr respectively.

  • Tests may be built as described in CMake Build section

  • The full test suite may be run using CTest as described in CMake Build Individual tests may be run independently (e.g. from command line or desktop).

Runtime Performance

The Peridetic code implementation emphasizes clarity and portability. Even though there are no special optimizations, the computational performance is reasonably good. The following presents simple (wall-clock-style) timing results obtained by transforming a reasonably large number of sample of points (a few tens of millions).

Example Timing Results


  • Generated sample point distribution spanning:

    • All longitude values in the half-open interval [-pi:pi) radians

    • All parallel (latitude) values for closed interval [-pi/2:pi/2] radians

    • Altitudes in the closed interval of [-100000:+100000] meters

Each test includes transformation of the entire collection of samples. Each transformation involves fetching a (pre-computed) data value from memory, applying a specific transformation operation, and then putting the result into a (pre-allocated) work space.

The test transformation operations include:

  • "copy": Simply copy sample data from source into work space (no computation). This should provide an indication of data handling overhead which is present in all transformation operations

  • "multiply": Multiply each component of the 3D data input by a constant value (the non-binary values of .1, .3, .7).

  • "sqrt(abs)": Compute the square root of absolute value of each component. (Note on this AMD processor used for results below, the sqrt() operation is about as fast as a multiply operation).

  • "xyzForLpa": Full geodetic transformation: compute Cartesian "X,Y,Z" coordinates from Geodetic "Lon,Lat,Alt" values.

  • "lpaForXyz": Full geodetic transformation: compute Geodetic "Lon,Lat,Alt" values from Cartesisn "X/Y/Z" coordinates.


Time values include all computation infrastructure and overhead as well as specific computation times. The 'copy' transform is included to provide a ballpark estimate of time associated with data handling overhead.

Note the timing values fluctuate by a few percent from run to run, but this provides a general idea of what to expect (at least for this class of processor).

Note that these results apply to point locations within the optimum design domain (locations within approximately +/-100[km] of Earth surface). For points outside this range (e.g. geosynchronous orbits, etc), computations require slightly (but only slightly) more time for the lpaForXyz() conversion (approximately 50%, or possibly 100% longer).

Platform AMD Ryzen 7 2700, GCC 9.3
Hardware: AMD Ryzen 7 2700
(using only *one* single processor core)
Compiled with GCC 9.3

# Number samples tested: 17508141

# Absolute times per test
# -- time values are 'wall-clock' elapsed [in sec]
# -- absolute total and 'per-each' times

0.385952462     0.000000022  : Reference evaluation - copy:
0.476933213     0.000000027  : Reference evaluation - multiply:
0.482271823     0.000000028  : Reference evaluation - sqrt(abs()):
1.196965868     0.000000068  : Cartesian from Geodetic - xyzForLpa():
2.642841151     0.000000151  : Geodetic from Cartesian - lpaForXyz():

# Relative test times
# -- test times with respect to each other [ratio]
# -- column order matches row order

1.00   0.81   0.80   0.32   0.15  : Reference evaluation - copy:
1.24   1.00   0.99   0.40   0.18  : Reference evaluation - multiply:
1.25   1.01   1.00   0.40   0.18  : Reference evaluation - sqrt(abs()):
3.10   2.51   2.48   1.00   0.45  : Cartesian from Geodetic - xyzForLpa():
6.85   5.54   5.48   2.21   1.00  : Geodetic from Cartesian - lpaForXyz():

For this test, the xyzForLpa() computation is about two and a half times more expensive than simple multiplication of all three coordinate values.

Computation of geodetic "Lon,Lat,Alt" values from Cartesian "X,Y,Z" coordinates is approximately five and half times more expensive than simple multiplication of all three coordinate values.

Platform: Raspberry Pi 5
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
(using only *one* single processor core)
Compiled with GCC g++ 12.2.0

# Number samples tested: 14467005

# Absolute times per test
# -- time values are 'wall-clock' elapsed [in sec]
# -- absolute total and 'per-each' times

0.527640772     0.000000036  : Reference evaluation - copy:
0.536013605     0.000000037  : Reference evaluation - multiply:
0.539373344     0.000000037  : Reference evaluation - sqrt(abs()):
1.213375750     0.000000084  : Cartesian from Geodetic - xyzForLpa():
3.054334882     0.000000211  : Geodetic from Cartesian - lpaForXyz():

# Relative test times
# -- times tests with respect to each other [ratio]
# -- column order matches row order

1.00   0.98   0.98   0.43   0.17  : Reference evaluation - copy:
1.02   1.00   0.99   0.44   0.18  : Reference evaluation - multiply:
1.02   1.01   1.00   0.44   0.18  : Reference evaluation - sqrt(abs()):
2.30   2.26   2.25   1.00   0.40  : Cartesian from Geodetic - xyzForLpa():
5.79   5.70   5.66   2.52   1.00  : Geodetic from Cartesian - lpaForXyz():

Note the test size is smaller than the one above, (number of samples was reduced to fit into smaller memory on this device). Therefore the absolute times shouldn't be compared between these tests. However, the per instruction and relative times are all comparable.

Platform AMD Ryzen 7840HS
Hardware: AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
(using only *one* single processor core)
Compiled with GCC g++ 12.2.0

# Number samples tested: 17508141

# Absolute times per test
# -- time values are 'wall-clock' elapsed [in sec]
# -- absolute total and 'per-each' times

0.290866259     0.000000017  : Reference evaluation - copy:
0.292260351     0.000000017  : Reference evaluation - multiply:
0.356131933     0.000000020  : Reference evaluation - sqrt(abs()):
0.884455615     0.000000051  : Cartesian from Geodetic - xyzForLpa():
1.925541528     0.000000110  : Geodetic from Cartesian - lpaForXyz():

# Relative test times
# -- times tests with respect to each other [ratio]
# -- column order matches row order

1.00   1.00   0.82   0.33   0.15  : Reference evaluation - copy:
1.00   1.00   0.82   0.33   0.15  : Reference evaluation - multiply:
1.22   1.22   1.00   0.40   0.18  : Reference evaluation - sqrt(abs()):
3.04   3.03   2.48   1.00   0.46  : Cartesian from Geodetic - xyzForLpa():
6.62   6.59   5.41   2.18   1.00  : Geodetic from Cartesian - lpaForXyz():