add_cbeam method handles g0/x differently than add_cbar
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When writing the card for a CBEAM, the orientation vector is not exported:
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF
nastran_model = BDF()
nastran_model.add_cbeam(1001, 1001, [1, 2], [0., 1., 0.], '')
nastran_model.write_bdf('output_test_cbeam.bdf', size=8)
The exported file looks like:
$pyNastran: version=msc
$pyNastran: punch=True
$pyNastran: encoding=utf-8
$pyNastran: nnodes=0
$pyNastran: nelements=1
CBEAM 1001 1001 1 2
I would have expected to get:
CBEAM 1001 1001 1 2 0. 1. 0.
Am I doing something wrong ?
I tried with nastran_model.add_cbeam(1001, 1001, [1, 2], [0., 1., 0.])
first but I was getting an error because g0 was not defined as it is not optional, so I tried blanking it with '' but that might be overriding the vector, indeed. How am I supposed to write it in order to specify only the vector ?
My problem is that neither X nor g0 are optional, therefore I have to define a g0, and it always overrides X.
I am a beginner in python so I might be missing something obvious. How would you generate the line below ?
CBEAM 1001 1001 1 2 0. 1. 0.
Your first two lines return the same error I was getting :
TypeError: AddCards.add_cbeam() missing 1 required positional argument: 'g0'
The third one works, I will go with that. Thanks a lot !
I updated the CBEAM to have similar defaults as the CBAR on the add_card method.