- 1
table/matrix error reading OP2
#806 opened by JulesHS1984 - 2
NX Nastran bulk checksum
#804 opened by mutricyl - 4
- 6
- 4
grid type 10 error
#802 opened by Vybornak2 - 4
Access the full capability of stress/strain (e.g., nodal_combine) when exporting results
#781 opened by karma0704 - 2
Adina support in op2 reader
#794 opened by rrothschild - 15
failed reading Optistruct model with b'OSTR1C in pyNastran 1.4 (composite strain cquad4)
#797 opened by noferusername - 3
- 4
- 2
unknown version=b'OS80XXXX'
#793 opened by nolim-sysu - 5
Unexpected warnings when using large field format
#768 opened by fmamitrotta - 4
- 1
- 9
Does op2_geom support INCLUDEs?
#798 opened by Czarified - 1
- 0
add "bdf set_check"
#791 opened by SteveDoyle2 - 0
Edit Geometry Properties update
#790 opened by SteveDoyle2 - 2
Feature Request: Track Include Source for each Card
#789 opened by dmarc3 - 7
Writing include files fails when includes are located in more than 1 directory
#785 opened by lgbav8r - 0
support femap syntax for gui groups
#786 opened by SteveDoyle2 - 2
DESVAR card label length restriction
#784 opened by dsandler133 - 2
Read info in F06 excluded in OP2
#774 opened by JacobWennersten - 10
- 11
nastran_to_vtk bug
#780 opened by karma0704 - 4
Can more conversion formats be supported
#779 opened by karma0704 - 4
nastran_to_vtk skipping pressure on ['CHEXA']
#778 opened by guotao1415 - 1
- 6
bdf_2_vtk or op2_2_vtk
#772 opened by karma0704 - 4
op2 to vtu, or op2 to vtk?
#776 opened by guotao1415 - 5
#775 opened by karma0704 - 1
nastran_to_vtk BUG
#773 opened by karma0704 - 6
MSC Nastran 64-bit bug
#766 opened by karma0704 - 2
- 2
Generalize Nastran GUI result classes, so you can use them outside of the GUI
#770 opened by SteveDoyle2 - 5
- 3
GUI issue: no files found in load dialog
#769 opened by Shaoqigit - 3
Reading Optistruct op2: unknown version=b'OS2023'
#765 opened by amarpeshave - 4
BDF deep copy is not cross referenced and does not allow to create second deep copy
#750 opened by fmamitrotta - 9
Writing RBE3 cards in double precision format using D notation results in a fatal error
#762 opened by fmamitrotta - 9
- 2
PBEAM - N2(B) always omitted in output
#756 opened by RafFloSan - 7
- 2
Error in booting ver. 1.4.0
#761 opened by YoichiroUrita - 2
Issue with reading op2
#764 opened by amarpeshave - 7
- 6
- 1
#753 opened by mizushimayasunori - 2
Fail to Add CBAR Element: RuntimeError: RuntimeError: field='[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]' is not 8 characters long...raw_value=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
#751 opened by zhaoyangyingmu - 2