table/matrix error reading OP2
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I get the following error when performing test_op2 in an op2 file and i am not able to skip reading that table and read the op2 file.", line 2226, in _read_tables
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
NotImplementedError: Invalid Table = b'OEF1XMC'
If you have matrices that you want to read, see:
matrices = {
b'BHH' : True,
b'KHH' : False,
} # you want to read some matrices, but not others
matrices = [b'BHH', b'KHH'] # assumes True
If you the table is a geom/result table, see:
methods_dict = {
b'OUGV1' : [method3, method4],
b'GEOM4SX' : [method3, method4],
b'OES1X1' : False,
If you want to take control of the OP2 reader (mainly useful for obscure tables), see:
methods_dict = {
b'OUGV1' : [method],