A split-screen multiplayer FPS with time-rewinding game mechanics.
- Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/Xsq16HTg9p8
- Download release: https://stephensmith.itch.io/chrono-cup
Press Space at the start to use keyboard/mouse, or press X on your controller to use that.
Esc to exit back to the start, or to quit out.
W, A S, D for keyboard & mouse player.
Tested with PS4 controllers: R2 to shoot
F1 - Toggle full Screen
F2 - Toggle full screen but still windowed (required if you want to record the screen using Windows)
Okay, brace yourself: This may sound complicated, but once you know it all, it's quite straightforward:
- The winner is the player who spends most time on the central point.
- There are 3 phases. During the first phase, it's just you and your opponent shooting at each other.
- During the second phase, you each can move around freely again, but there is a ghost replaying all your moves from the previous phase.
- If you get "killed" (or "de-syncd"), you are still alive, but you (or your echo's) bullets have no effect. However, movement and shooting are still recorded for playback during the next phase.
- Only avatars that are "alive" can register on the central point.
- Development branch is the cutting edge but possibly broken branch. Master is the most stable but out of date.
- Gradle is a real pain to work with. However, if you have trouble loading this project, I used Gradle v4.10.3.
- The file Settings.java contains various settings that determine what game mode the game starts in.
This project uses the MIT licence. See LICENCE.txt.
- Designed and programmed by Stephen Carlyle-Smith https://twitter.com/stephencsmith
- Uses the LibGDX game framework
- Uses BasicECS from https://github.com/SteveSmith16384/BasicECS
- Controller code from https://github.com/electronstudio/sdl2gdx
- All humanoid figures by Quaternius http://quaternius.com
- Alien by Quaternius
- Pre-game music by cynicmusic.com pixelsphere.org, taken from https://opengameart.org/content/battle-theme-a
- In-game music by Ville Nousiainen (http://soundcloud.com/mutkanto)
- Replenish Life Force Copyright 2013 Iwan Gabovitch http://freesound.org/people/qubodup/
- Shot sfx by Michael Klier taken from https://opengameart.org/content/futuristic-shotgun
- Explosion sfx by Iwan Gabovitch taken from https://opengameart.org/content/dull-explosion
- De-sync sfx taken from https://opengameart.org/content/energy-drain
- Majestical textures by Robert Yang, based on concepts by Randy Reddig and Adam Foster.
- Airhorn taken from http://soundbible.com/1542-Air-Horn.html
- Join game sfx by SFX by Cleyton Kauffman - https://soundcloud.com/cleytonkauffman
Well, it's worth a try: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=3406199