This project contain the bare minimum files required in order to get a WebXR VR scene up and running using Three.js. Everything is included, even the Three.js files.
The folder structure copies the folder structure of Three.js itself.
- A web server, e.g. NPM http-server:
- A WebXR-enabled browser. Most VR helmets come with one. As of writing this, Firefox Reality does NOT support WebXR.
- I recommend using the NPM http-server:
- Run it with the command "http-server -S -C cert.pem" in the folder containing your code.
- Open your WebXR-enabled browser and go to the URL shown in your console, adding "/index.html" to the end. You'll get warnings about it being a self-signed certificate.
- To move the camera (and controller) in code, change the position of the "dolly" object.
- "intersectedObject" contains whatever object the user is pointing at. "intersectedPosition" contains the point where the selection is occurring.
- There are methods called to add a floor and some floating cubes. Remove these method calls to start with an empty scene.
- Programmed by
- Based on the Three.js example code.