
Code to recreate figures throughout my PhD thesis.

Primary LanguageEiffel


Code to recreate the figures throughout my PhD thesis.


This chapter contains no figures.

Background material

Chapter 2, Figure 1A Chapter 2, Figure 1B Chapter 2, Figure 2A Chapter 2, Figure 2B

Conversions between barycentric, RKFUN, and Newton representations of rational interpolants

Will be added shortly.

The block rational Arnoldi method

Chapter 4, Figure 2A Chapter 4, Figure 2B

ARMA models via Krylov methods

Chapter 5, Figure 1A Chapter 5, Figure 1B Chapter 5, Figure 2A Chapter 5, Figure 2B

ABBA: adaptive brownian bridge based symbolic aggregation of time series

See https://github.com/nla-group/ABBA.

Time series forecasting using LSTM networks: a symbolic approach

See https://github.com/nla-group/ABBA-LSTMs.


This chapter contains no figures.