- 5
#34 opened by aqr1961 - 5
#47 opened by HNzhaoyli - 2
关于GUPnet ++和GUPnet的问题
#45 opened by benz725 - 1
#46 opened by BaronLeeLZP - 1
vs code 调试时会卡死是什么情况?
#43 opened by benz725 - 9
#44 opened by benz725 - 1
About code for GUPNet++
#42 opened by HIT-ShuWei - 1
i was wonder how to use evaluate code
#29 opened by zzy0731 - 0
Inference 在其他dataset 上問題
#41 opened by zzy0731 - 0
#40 opened by wzichen294 - 1
#37 opened by wzichen294 - 0
#39 opened by wzichen294 - 2
- 1
#30 opened by yjy4231 - 1
- 4
pre-trained model for nuscenes
#35 opened by stanny880913 - 5
code for GUPNet++
#33 opened by yjy4231 - 0
Can you provide the visualization code
#32 opened by yjy4231 - 5
Question about train log in validation test
#28 opened by kaitoud906 - 0
- 1
#27 opened by zzHardx - 11
Much lower AP_3D compared to AP_BEV
#4 opened by SPengLiang - 2
- 1
#25 opened by XcodeHw - 4
#23 opened by kwong292521 - 0
size3d_loss 负数
#24 opened by YinengXiong - 1
Zero score on detetion
#21 opened by pk1996 - 1
How to visualize detected results?
#19 opened by Grace1109 - 3
Questions about evaluate results
#20 opened by Senwang98 - 1
- 3
- 2
evaluation scripts?
#18 opened by dingmiaomiao - 7
Why does the loss become nan?
#17 opened by Cc-Hy - 4
- 1
Question About the AP in test set
#15 opened by yfthu - 1
question about the uncertainty loss
#16 opened by tjulyz - 3
why not the bias depth is a negative number?
#12 opened by lfydegithub - 2
Question about the Calibration.flip
#13 opened by yfthu - 1
question about affine transformation?
#9 opened by Senwang98 - 2
why not h3d_std * X + h3d_mean ?
#11 opened by lfydegithub - 5
truncated case
#10 opened by lfydegithub - 1
Hi, is there a way to get best checkpoint?
#7 opened by konyul - 1
- 2
Is the network pretrained on a depth set?
#5 opened by Cc-Hy - 2
- 1
Question about the release time
#2 opened by Juzezhang - 1
Question about the code releasing time
#1 opened by gujiaqivadin