GSSO is the Gender, Sex, and Sex Orientation ontology, including terms related to gender identity and expression, sexual and romantic identity and orientation, and sexual and reproductive behavior.
- achrinza@apprexp
- adlprStanford University School of Medicine
- AngstromXITT
- AnthonyMRiosSan Antonio, TX
- brandonsepulvadoWashington, D.C.
- briesenberg07University of Oregon Libraries
- ccmaymayBaltimore, MD
- ckakalouINAB | CERTH, DIT | UOA
- cmungallLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- cthoyt@northeastern
- cuboulder-MSDUniversity of Colorado Boulder Libraries
- DrRenardScDNew Jersey, USA
- erithmetic@eSpark
- georgenaranjo96Los Angeles
- heidi-lib
- jenyoung@nulib
- joypaulsMinneapolis
- Kirwak12
- liliumneko@NekoNest
- lorarjohnsNew York, NY
- matentznSemanticly
- MattCordell@aehrc
- matuskalasUniversity of Bergen
- megoeggo
- mmnaojCatalonia, but digitally everywhere
- nishad✈
- PilarHidalgo
- prasoonjBangalore
- preyeroThe Open University
- RachaelKriss
- rdyornot
- realityowls
- s-lilo@TeMU-BSC
- shuaiwangvuVU Amsterdam
- somster-boop
- theducharme