
A RoboSherlock package managing the HSRB's perception

Primary LanguageC++


A RoboSherlock package managing the HSRB's perception


The src folder of your catkin workspace must contain the following packages:

Furthermore, you have to install RoboSherlock before building this package. To do so, follow the installation instructions from RoboSherlock


  • Clone this repository to the src folder of your workspace
  • Open a terminal in your workspace folder and use catkin build (do NOT use catkin_make)
  • Source your workspace


  • In your sourced workspace folder, type rosrun robosherlock run _ae:=hsrb _vis:=true
    • The _vis tag is optional, if you like to see what the robot sees on your machine
    • The _ae tag however is crucial. It specifies the pipeline processing the vision. Use hsrb as ae
  • Sit back, relax and enjoy your view being processed. The infos are published as ObjectDetectionData on the topic /suturo_perception/object_detection