- 2
- 0
[Bug] Customer changes payment method later
#303 opened by migo315 - 0
[Bug] Default Payment Method
#302 opened by migo315 - 0
[Bug] Remove final from controller
#301 opened by migo315 - 0
Paypal DigiCert Global Root G2
#300 opened by LucaGallinari - 1
It's not possible to specify sandbox mode and debugging level based on environment
#178 opened by LucaGallinari - 15
[Bug] Issue with PayPalClientInterface
#295 opened by maximehuran - 0
- 2
can not connect paypal
#288 opened by langziyang - 1
Update dependency phpseclib/phpseclib
#279 opened by boksie - 5
[Bug] Connection to, error
#278 opened by RomulusED69 - 1
[Bug] Duplication Payment on Payment Complete
#272 opened by p-carrillo - 1
Notice: Undefined index: migrations_paths
#184 opened by jeandanyel - 0
[Bug] Duplication of payments once someone will decide to resign from PayPal as payment method
#271 opened by lchrusciel - 7
- 1
- 0
[Bug] Partial refund on the same day lead to error
#264 opened by jcgdjob - 0
[Bug] When the customer clicks on "back to shop" once he is on the paypal page, there are two payments created
#262 opened by costa-jeremy - 2
Order with payment "stuck" in processing state when complete request fails
#187 opened by LucaGallinari - 5
"You cannot onboard more than one PayPal seller!" error when creating any payment method after sylius.pay_pal
#171 opened by tifed - 0
- 0
- 0
[Bug] Install - Conflict with doctrine/orm ^2.10.0
#243 opened by H4Mm3r - 0
[Bug] JavaScript error fixed with @javascript tags
#242 opened by SirDomin - 0
[Bug] Transition "cancel" is called even on completed or already canceled payment
#238 opened by LucaGallinari - 0
[FeatureRequest] Consider adding paypal tracking integration for tangible goods
#233 opened by diimpp - 0
[Bug] Wrong dependency
#232 opened by Nek- - 0
- 0
- 0
Other options of integration PayPal on frontend
#222 opened by Sklico - 5
Notice: Undefined index: status
#189 opened by jeandanyel - 2
- 0
Payment from cart page fails, if "Skip shipping step if only one shipping method is available" is activated for channel
#218 opened by HVStechnik - 2
After calling 'payum_authorize_do' durign
#200 opened by bellu - 0
Wrong attribute "invoice_number" is used
#215 opened by dernst-art - 2
- 10
DECIMAL_PRECISION whereas it's only 2
#208 opened by Snowbaha - 3
Redirect to homepage during checkout
#201 opened by bellu - 0
- 0
3D Secure
#185 opened by LucaGallinari - 6
- 3
- 0
PayPal plugin KO when using locale "en"
#188 opened by xchopin - 4
- 5
Conflict with symplify/package-builder
#173 opened by armellarcier - 0
Wrong service injection for controller CompletePayPalOrderFromPaymentPageAction
#191 opened by DjLeChuck - 2
- 1
Improves validation feedback for hosted fields
#180 opened by LucaGallinari - 0
- 1
"Expected an order id to be passed" error
#169 opened by HVStechnik