
Script to rename i3 workspaces (mainly with rofi)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This script renames the focused i3 workspace. It can change the color and number of the workspace as well. It is best used in conjunction with rofi to call it interactively – examples below.

  • Documentation (and FAQ – if any) can be found in this README.
  • There is currently no package to install the script. You need to download it from here or clone the repository.
  • Feel free to file issues to report bugs, ask questions, or request features.
  • Feel free to open a pull request. Please use the black code formatter.


It was inspired by two other projects:

Both were not quite what I was looking for but you should check out both to see if they fit your needs better than this does.

I wanted the tool to

  • easily rename a workspace
  • change workspace index
  • highlight name in a color


pip install --user -r requirements.txt

It is specifically useful together with rofi.


./i3-workspace-rename.py -h
usage: i3-workspace-rename.py [-h] [--print-string PRINT_STRING]
                              [--default-color DEFAULT_COLOR]
                              [--prefix PREFIX] [--swap-workspace]

positional arguments:
  renamestring          New name for workspace. Optionally provide color or
                        number separated by colons, e.g. red:new_name:7 (order
                        does not matter)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --print-string PRINT_STRING
                        Define what to print if not arguments are given.
  --default-color DEFAULT_COLOR
                        Default color for workspace name if not given in
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix before workspace name (after number and colon)
  --swap-workspace      Swap workspace index with existing workspace if
                        desired number is already in use

Examples with rofi

Simple example with rofi

rofi -show rename -modi 'rename:~/bin/i3-workspace-rename.py'

More complex example as i3 shortcut

bindsym $mod+Tab exec --no-startup-id \
    LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 rofi -i -lines 10 -eh 1 -width 50 -padding 50 -opacity 85 -font 'MesloLGS NF Regular 16' \
    -modi 'combi#rename:~/bin/i3-workspace-rename.py --default-color A9C03F' \
    -show combi \
    -combi-modi 'rename:~/bin/i3-workspace-rename.py --default-color A9C03F#window'