
Has no memeber named ‘SimTime’

HasanGilani opened this issue · 2 comments

Got this error while building it:

/home/catkin_ws/src/realsense_gazebo_plugin/src/gazebo_ros_realsense.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void gazebo::GazeboRosRealsense::OnNewFrame(gazebo::rendering::CameraPtr, gazebo::transport::PublisherPtr)’:
/home/hasan/catkin_ws/src/realsense_gazebo_plugin/src/gazebo_ros_realsense.cpp:57:44: error: ‘class gazebo::physics::World’ has no member named ‘SimTime’
common::Time current_time = this->world->SimTime();

It seems that you're using a Gazebo version lower than 9.0, so you should use the kinetic-devel branch.
Same as #18

Thanks it works.