
a place to share plugins you've created

Awesome SFDX Plugins

In the spirit of awesome-[whatever], it's a public directory of open source sfdx plugins.


Fork, PR, and add your plugins to share with the world Also feel free to reorganize these as the list grows

Official plugins/modules from Salesforce

Community supported plugins

Shared by people out of love, for the community. No guarantees.

  • shane-sfdx-plugins (Shane McLaughlin, @mshanemc)

    Too many commands to even attempt to describe--just go read the README.

  • muenzpraeger/sfdx-plugin (Rene Winkelmeyer, @muenzpraeger)

    Sets api version, deletes Aura empty boilerplate files, and turns swagger defts into Apex classes

  • sfdx-waw-plugin (Wade Wegner, @wadewegner)

    Shortcuts for connected apps, codeclean, packaging, and more

  • mo-dx-plugin (Mohith Shrivastava, @msrivastav13)

    Retrieving and deploying via tooling api, convert package source to Salesforcedx source all in one command, rename CRUD based metadata

  • sfdx-cmdt-plugin (Shun Kosaka, @shunkosa)

    Convert csv to custom metadata

  • texei-sfdx-plugin (folks from Texei, especially @FabienTaillon)

    Crawls package dependencies and automatically installs the prerequisites | update your user fields | enables SharedActivities in scratch orgs | and more

  • ETCopyData ( Andres Perez @eltoroit)

    Extract and populate data to sandboxes and scratch orgs

  • sfdx-browserforce-plugin (Matthias Rolke @amtrack)

    Configurable tool for browser-driving through the setup menu to get at all those non-accessible features

  • sfdx-migration-automatic (Shinichi Tomita @stomita)

    Dump/load record data to/from CSV files to easily migrate data between orgs

  • sfdx-devhub-pool (Shinichi Tomita @stomita)

    Generate scratch orgs without hitting daily limit by using multiple DevHub orgs as a pool

  • sfdx-toolbox-package-utils (John M. Daniel @ImJohnMDaniel)

    Plugin devoted to better managing second generation package dependencies.

  • sfpowerkit (Accenture)

    Too many powerful things.Read the documentation on the git repo.

  • soqlx-opener (John M. Daniel @ImJohnMDaniel)

    For those SalesforceDevs that love @Superfell's #SoqlXplorer, this plugin brings the power of SoqlX to DX Scratch orgs.

  • sfdx-git-packager (Charles Jonas @ChuckJonas)

    Generates Metadata packages from differences between git refs.

  • JSON-Bourne-SFDX (REA Group @realestate-com-au)

    Source control your org reference data, and treat it as metadata (make changes in scratch org, commit the changes to source control and "deploy" through CI).

  • SFDX Essentials (Nicolas Vuillamy & contributors @nvuillam)

    Filter metadata folders according to a package.xml, generate automatically permission sets , check the consistency between a SFDX project sources and related package.xml file(s), change package dependencies versions and apiVersion, reorder package.xml file content, migrate SFDX sources from an object model to a new objects model, filter metadatas XML before deployment.

  • Flowdoc (Shun Kosaka @shunkosa)

    Still in alpha, but very promising approach to create documentation from your Flows as PDF, Word (docx) and JSON!

  • sfdx-valkyrie (Jonathan Wiesel @jonathanwiesel)

    Detect and report on lack of implementation of the bypassing pattern.

  • adp (American Express)

    Various devops tools (e.g. to login into an org), run jars (includes talend jobs)

  • jayree

    Deploys changesets, updates state and country picklists and other helpful time-savers.

  • ApexLink (Kevin Jones @nawforce)

    Plugin to access Java library for static analysis of Salesforce Apex code. Can identify unused properties and methods.

Not plugins, but useful


  • Oclif

    A few layers down the stack, and for when you want to build CLI for other things that may not be sfdx-specific

  • Plugin developer guide


core sfdx commands have an issues-only repo