
A cylinder collider approximation made of primitive colliders.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A cylinder collider approximation made of primitive colliders.


CylinderCollider is a compound collider made of BoxColliders. It's usage is limited in playmode as making it dynamically editable could make it more computationally demanding.

Project contains benchmark scene to compare mesh-based cylinder colliders with primitive-collider-based colliders.

Mesh-based cylinder colliders seem to have better performance, but the compound colliders may still perform better than more complex mesh colliders as stated in Unity Documentation.

Screenshot of inspector

2000 cylinder compound colliders with 12 sides:


2000 mesh colliders with 12 sides:



  • Select the game object you want to add CylinderCollider
  • Click AddComponent button
  • Select Physics tab and click CylinderCollider
  • Set appropriate values in CylinderCollider inspector
  • Click Generate Collider button

If you want to modify prefabs with CylinderCollider, then you need to go to prefab editor and generate colliders as prefabs in scene editor cannot destroy child objects without losing prefab link.


No special requirements are required. Package is tested and works in Unity 2019.4.28f1, however CylinderCollider may work in newer as well as in older Unity versions.


Download release unitypackage and import it to your project.


CylinderCollider is licensed under the MIT license. CylinderCollider is free for commercial and non-commercial use.

More about license.