
Implementation of the RA-L2023 paper: Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation

RA-L 2023

Official code of paper Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation

This project contains the implementation of our RA-L 2023 paper.

About This Repo

The total framework consists of 3 parts: Part Segmentation, 3D Points Sampling, RL Policy Training & Evaluation.


This code has been tested on Ubuntu20.04 with Cuda 11.3, Python3.8 and Pytorch 1.11.0. Environment: create a conda environment according to arti_mani/docker/arti_mani.yaml file (All requirements are specified in arti_mani.yaml).

cd arti_mani/docker
conda env create -f arti_mani.yaml 

Partnet Mobility Dataset: downloading from https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/44f01920dcb44714b717/?dl=1.

Training and Evaluation in Simulation

Part Segmentation

# Data collection 
# Models (finally we used SplitUnet) 
# Training and evaluation
# configs

Date Collection: To get great evaluation results in simulation, domain_random and random_bg_mode could be set False, but they need to be set True if you want to get quite good results on real data. Segmentation Model: We then built our model SplitUnet which is based on segmentation-models-pytorch. We decompose RGB and Depth feature processing in our encoders.

Training: We build our SegDataset in arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/dataset.py, in which we added some data augmentation (e.g. Flip, RandomCrop, ColorJitter, GaussianNoise, etc.), which are mostly implemented using albumentations. After that, we train the model in arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/train_seg.py. More training details can be referred to smp_model.yaml and train_seg.py.

Evaluation: Performance is tested on validation data using arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/test_sim.py, and is also tested with new data collected from simulation environment by arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/test_new.py.

Synthetic Dataset: You can run arti_mani/algorithms/data_process/gen_rgbd_data.py to generate the synthetic dataset, or directly download the dataset from Synthetic Dataset.

Checkpoints You can directly use the checkpoints under arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts/log/smp_model/20230219_000940_train52-val18_384_noDR_randombg_aug_stereo_bs16_focalloss_0.5step50lr0.001_RGBDunet-163264128_mobilenet_v2. For further pretrained (maybe better for sim2real), you can download them from Checkpoints.

RL Policy Training & Evaluation

# Training
# Evaluation

Training: After training a good part segmentation model, you can then train the SAC policy:

cd arti_mani/algorithms/rl_iam/
python sac_train_segpts_PNfeat.py

You can change the mode in the script according your specified task (OpenDoor, OpenDrawer, TurnFaucet, HybridTask). The total 2M steps can be trained for about 7 hours in our i9-13900K and RTX 3090 setting.

Evaluation: we get success rate and mean steps according the evaluation code in arti_mani/algorithms/rl_iam/sac_eval_segpts_PNfeat.py, and also get the rendered video and segmentation visualization results.

Real Experiments

Part Segmentation

We also collected about 200 real RGB-D images and annotated them using Labelme. You can download with https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/e1d2808c731c4440ba7e/?dl=1. We can evaluate the performance and visualize the uncertainty map by:

cd arti_mani/algorithms/visual_net/scripts
# you may need to change the REAL_DIR according to your real data dir. 
python test_real.py  
# visualize the uncertainty map, you also need to change the dir.
python test_real_uncertainty.py  

RL Policy Execution

After training the RL policy, we can execute it in real experiments. You need to install the ROS package of xmate3-pro, and use the JointImpedanceController.

cd arti_mani/test/real_exps
# you may need to change the REAL_DIR according to your real data dir. 
python SB3_opencabinet.py

Other real codes:

cd arti_mani/test/real_exps
# replay the RL traj using ROS_ImpOpendoor
python realTRAJ_replay.py
# sim2real traj replay
python sim2real_replay.py
# real2sim traj replay
python real2sim_replay.py

In the end, we modify the xmate ros controller and robotiq controller code: xmate3Robotiq.py => xmate3Robotiq_new.py, which throw separate threads to control them simulataneously.


If you find this code useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

  title={Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation},
  author={Xie, Pengwei and Chen, Rui and Chen, Siang and Qin, Yuzhe and Xiang, Fanbo and Sun, Tianyu and Xu, Jing and Wang, Guijin and Su, Hao},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)}, 