
Firmware for Decawave DWM1001-Dev devices: ToF and TDoA localization

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Firmware for UWB localization with TOF and TDoA using Decawave's DWM1001-DEV board

Firmware for Decawave DWM1001-Dev devices: ToF and TDoA localization

This Firmware allows the Decawave DWM1001-Dev devices to obtain the TOF and TDOA information neede for localization. For the localization computation please refere to https://github.com/TIERS/active-passive-uwb-ros


NOTE: We recomment using Keil µVision IDE if SES version is not available any more.

  1. Download Keil µVision 5 IDE (Note the version to ensure compatibility)
  2. Download Segger J-Flash Lite and GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain 5.4 2016q3
  3. Clone Decawave's code example from https://github.com/Decawave/dwm1001-examples.git

How to program the devices

Follow these steps to load the initiator and responder firmware on the DWM1001-DEV boards.

Active Initiator and Responder TOF

  1. Open the project inside dwm1001-examples/examples/ss_twr_init but replace the files ss_init_main.c and main.c with the ones of the same name provided in the folder TOF (inside of the Dynamic folder).

  2. Open the project in Keil µVision, set the NODE_ID to the desired value and set up the desired sequence, connect the target device via USB and click Build and Run.

  3. For NODE_ID=1 send an S via serial port to perfome one complete sequence. (A python script to automatize the process can be found in the folder Control).

The predefined sequence in the firmware is an all to all for 6 nodes. All nodes need to be active to complete the sequence correctly.

Passive Listener TDOA

  1. Copy the folder dwm1001-examples/examples/ss_twr_init and change the name to ss_twr_list to identify it.

  2. Replace the files ss_init_main.c and main.c with ss_list_main.c and main.c provided in the folder TDOA (inside of the Dynamic folder).

  3. Open the project in Keil µVision, connect the target device via USB and click Build and Run.

The device will print via serial terminal all the distances between each pair of nodes and the difference of distance to pair of nodes after one sequence is completed. (Sequence set in ss_init_main.c, fomr the TOF folder)

KEIL µVision IDE

Each example contains a µVision5 project file for Keil µVision IDE. The examples compile and load cleanly to the DWM1001. The project was created with the KEIL uVision version V5.24.2.0.

Keil µVision has a free license for project up to 32KB. For more information regarding Keil µVision, please visit http://www2.keil.com/mdk5/uvision/

µVision Error: Flash Download failed - "Cortex-M4"

This error can be observed if there is a memory conflict between the binary to load and the current firmware on the target hardware. This issue can be easily fixed by fully erasing the target device 's flash memory. Keil µVision cannot perform a full erase and the following free tool can be used :

  • J-flash lite
  • nrfjprog command line script

For more information about the issue, please see :


Restore the factory firmware

In order to store the factory firmware, first download the .hex file from


Extract the ZIP. You will find the .hex factory firmware file in DWM1001_DWM1001-DEV_MDEK1001_Sources_and_Docs_v9/DWM1001/Factory_Firmware_Image/DWM1001_PANS_R2.0.hex.

Open SEGGER J-Flash Lite (tested with V6.62a, the executable file is JFlashLiteExe) and choose the following fields:

  1. Device: NRF52832_XXAA
  2. Interface: SWD
  3. Speed: 4000 kHz
  4. Data File: DWM1001_PANS_R2.0.hex (downloaded following steps above)

Connect the DWM1001-DEV board to a USB port (we found some issues if you connect it after you start JFlashLite, so we recommend that you connect the dev board BEFORE starting JFlashLite). Optionally, click first on Erase Chip.

Click on Program Device. If you also erased the previous board, you should see the following output:

Connecting to J-Link...Connecting to target...Erasing...Done
Conecting to J-Link...Connecting to target...Downloading...Done

NOTE: The LEDs on the DEV board will be OFF while the firmware is being updated, do not disconnect the board until you see the Done message and the LEDs are flashing again. After erasing the device, you should see a single non-blinking red LED on the DEV board.