HyperMODEST: Self-Supervised 3D Object Detection with Confidence Score Filtering

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


HyperMODEST: Self-Supervised 3D Object Detection with Confidence Score Filtering
Jenny Xu, Steven L. Waslander.
2023 20th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023.

This repository is based off MODEST.




Current LiDAR-based 3D object detectors for autonomous driving are almost entirely trained on human-annotated data collected in specific geographical domains with specific sensor setups, making it difficult to adapt to a different domain. MODEST is the first work to train 3D object detectors without any labels. Our work, HyperMODEST, proposes a universal method implemented on top of MODEST that can largely accelerate the self-training process and does not require tuning on a specific dataset. We filter intermediate pseudo-labels used for data augmentation with low confidence scores. On the nuScenes dataset, we observe a significant improvement of 1.6% in AP_BEV in 0-80m range at IoU=0.25 and an improvement of 1.7% in AP_BEV in 0-80m range at IoU=0.5 while only using one-fifth of the training time in the original approach by MODEST. On the Lyft dataset, we also observe an improvement over the baseline during the first round of iterative self-training. We explore the trade-off between high precision and high recall in the early stage of the self-training process by comparing our proposed method with two other score filtering methods: confidence score filtering for pseudo-labels with and without static label retention.


[2023-03-12] HyperMODEST v0.1.0 is released.

Model Zoo

nuScenes experiments

Model ST rounds Checkpoint Config file
PointRCNN 1 link cfg
PointRCNN 2 link cfg
PointRCNN 3 link cfg
PointRCNN 4 link cfg

Lyft experiments

Model ST rounds Checkpoint Config file
PointRCNN 1 link cfg


conda create --name modest python=3.8
conda activate modest
conda install pytorch=1.9.0 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install opencv-python matplotlib wandb scipy tqdm easydict scikit-learn pyquaternion pillow==8.3.2
# for managing experiments
pip install hydra-core --upgrade
pip install hydra_colorlog --upgrade
pip install rich

cd generate_cluster_mask/utils/iou3d_nms
python setup.py install

for OpenPCDet, follow downstream/OpenPCDet/docs/INSTALL.md to install.

Getting Started

Data Pre-processing

Please refer to data_preprocessing/lyft/LYFT_PREPROCESSING.md and data_preprocessing/nuscenes/NUSCENES_PREPROCESSING.md.


1. Generate Seed Labels

Lyft data

cd generate_cluster_mask
# generate pp score
python pre_compute_pp_score.py data_root=$(pwd)/../downstream/OpenPCDet/data/lyft/training
# generate seed labels
python generate_mask.py data_root=$(pwd)/../downstream/OpenPCDet/data/lyft/training
python generate_label_files.py data_root=$(pwd)/../downstream/OpenPCDet/data/lyft/training

nuScenes data

cd generate_cluster_mask
# generate pp score
python pre_compute_pp_score.py data_paths=nusc.yaml data_root=NUSCENES_KITTI_FORMAT_20HZ/training \
# generate seed labels
python generate_mask.py data_paths=nusc.yaml data_root=$(pwd)/../downstream/OpenPCDet/data/nuscenes_boston/training plane_estimate.max_hs=-1.3
python generate_label_files.py data_paths=nusc.yaml data_root=$(pwd)/../downstream/OpenPCDet/data/nuscenes_boston/training image_shape="[900, 1600]"

2. Run 0-th Round Training with seed labels

Lyft (default PRCNN model)

# set the flag "score_filter" to False on line 597 in 
# downstream/OpenPCDet/pcdet/datasets/kitti/kitti_dataset.py.
bash scripts/seed_training_lyft.sh

nuScenes (default PRCNN model)

# set the flag "score_filter" to False on line 597 in 
# downstream/OpenPCDet/pcdet/datasets/kitti/kitti_dataset.py.
bash scripts/seed_training_nuscenes.sh

3. Self-training (HyperMODEST: Filter-Data-Augmentation)

Lyft (default PRCNN model)

bash scripts/self_training_lyft.sh -C "det_filtering.pp_score_threshold=0.7 det_filtering.pp_score_percentile=20 data_paths.bbox_info_save_dst=null calib_path=$(pwd)/downstream/OpenPCDet/data/lyft/training/calib ptc_path=$(pwd)/downstream/OpenPCDet/data/lyft/training/velodyne"

# Use scripts/self_training_lyft_filter_pseudo_labels.sh for score filtering on pseudo-labels, referred to as Algorithm 1 "Filter-Pseudo-Labels" in the paper. 
# Use scripts/self_training_lyft_filter_and_keep_static.sh for score fitering on pseudo-labels with static labels retention, referred to as Algorithm 2 "Filter-And-Keep-Static" in the paper. 

nuScenes (default PRCNN model)

bash scripts/self_training_nusc.sh -C "data_paths=nusc.yaml det_filtering.pp_score_threshold=0.7 det_filtering.pp_score_percentile=20 data_paths.bbox_info_save_dst=null calib_path=$(pwd)/downstream/OpenPCDet/data/nuscenes_boston/training/calib ptc_path=$(pwd)/downstream/OpenPCDet/data/nuscenes_boston/training/velodyne image_shape=[900,1600]"

# Use scripts/self_training_nusc_filter_pseudo_labels.sh for score filtering on pseudo-labels, referred to as Algorithm 1 "Filter-Pseudo-Labels" in the paper. 
# Use scripts/self_training_nusc_filter_and_keep_static.sh for score fitering on pseudo-labels with static labels retention, referred to as Algorithm 2 "Filter-And-Keep-Static" in the paper. 


cd downstream/OpenPCDet/tools
bash scripts/dist_test.sh 2 --cfg_file <cfg> --ckpt <ckpt_path>


HyperMODEST is released under the MIT license. We use OpenPCDet in this project and it is under the Apache-2.0 License.

This repository is based off MODEST and it is under the MIT license. We list our changes here.


This work is based off MODEST and uses OpenPCDet. We would like to thank the authors for open-sourcing the codebase.