
Deep learning-based computer vision pipeline that aims to improve situational awareness of an autonomous vehicle by computing the width of the road at a certain depth in front of the car.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Deep Learning-based Computer Vision Pipeline to improve Situational Awareness of an Autonomous Vehicle

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SemanticDepth is a deep learning-based computer vision pipeline that computes the width of the road at a certain depth in front of a car.

It does so by fusing together two deep learning-based architectures, namely a semantic segmentation network (fcn8-s) and a monocular depth estimation network (monodepth)

We have two ways of computing the depth of the road at a certain depth. First, a naive distance. This results from computing the pointcloud corresponding to the road in front of us first and computing the distance between the furthest point to the left and the furthest point to the right (of this road pointcloud) at a certain depth later -- depth meaning the direction in front of us.

Second, an advanced distance. Here we additionally extract the pointclouds corresponding to left and right fences/walls to each side of the road (assuming they exist). Then we fit planes to the road pointcloud and to both the left and right fences. We compute the intersection between the road plane with the left fence plane, and the intersection between the road plane and the right fence plane. We end up with two intersected lines, and we can now decide on a depth at which we wish to compute the width of the road.


This work was done as part of my Semesterarbeit (literally, semester work) at TUM's Chair of Automotive Technology. For more info on the pipeline, check my thesis.

Author: Pablo Rodriguez Palafox
Advisor: Johannes Betz, M.Sc.
Head of Chair of Automotive Technology: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
Chair of Automotive Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University Munich

1. Requirements (& Installation tips)

This code was tested with Tensorflow 1.0, CUDA 8.0 and Ubuntu 16.04.

First of, install python3-tk.

$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk

Git clone this repo and change to the cloned dir:

$ git clone
$ cd semantic_depth

Using virtual environments is always a good idea. We will need to have pip and virtualenv installed.

Install pip and virtualenv:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3.5-dev python-virtualenv

To create a new virtualenv, being inside the root directory of the cloned repository, run the following:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages -p python3.5 .venv

We now have a python3.5 virtual environment (with all packages that you already had installed for your python3.5 installation). Activate the virtualenv like so:

$ source .venv/bin/activate

Inside the virtualenv, you can run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

to get the dependencies needed.

2. Datasets

Datasets for Semantic Segmentation on classes fence and road

For the semantic segmentation task, we labeled 750 Roborace images with the classes fence, road and background. For the task of labelling our own images, we used the cityscapesScripts.

We cannot make the whole dataset public, as the original images are property of the Roborace competition. A mockup of this dataset can be found here. It fpllows the same structure as the Cityscapes dataset. If you would like to get more images, join the Roborace competition and you'll get tons of data from the racetracks.

Another option is training on Cityscapes on the classes fence and road (and background). If your goal is participating in the Roborace competition, doing this can get you decent results when running inference on Roborace images.

Datasets for Monocular Depth Estimation

MonoDepth, an unsupervised single image depth prediction network that we make use of in our work, can be trained on Kitti or Cityscapes.

We directly use the pre-trained model for Cityscapes, which you can get at the monodepth repo, at the Models section. Alternatively, follow the instructions in section Monodepth model.

Munich Test Set

This is a set of 5 images of the streets of Munich on which you can test the whole pipeline. You can find it here. In section Test SemanticDepth on our Munich test set, you can find the commands on how to test our whole pipeline on these images.

3. SemanticDepth - The whole pipeline

SemanticDepth merges together semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation to compute the distance from the left fence to the right fence in a FormulaE-like circuit. We have also found that by using a semantic segmentation model trained on Roborace images for fence and road classification plus a monodepth model for disparity estimation, our pipeline generalizes to city environments, like those featured in our Munich test set.

Test SemanticDepth on our Munich test set

By running the command below, SemanticDepth will be applied on the Munich test set using different focal lengths so that the best one can be found. By default, the list of focal lengths to try is [380, 580]. The reason behind trying different focal lengths is that we are using a monodepth model trained on the Cityscapes dataset, and Cityscapes comprises images with a certain focal lenght. As the author (Godard) puts it in this discussion, the behaviour is undefined with images which have different aspect ratios and focal lengths as those on which we trained the model, since the network really only saw one type of images. Applying the same model on our own images requires that we tune the focal length so that computing depth from disparity outputs reasonable numbers (see discussion on the topic).

$ python dist2fence_frame.py --save_data

Results will be stored inside a newly created folder called results. Inside this folder, two more directories, namely 380 and 580, will have been created, each containing the results relative to each of the 5 test images on which we have applied SemanticDepth. Also, a file data.txt will have been generated, where every line refers to a test image except the last line. For every line (every test image), we save the following:


The last line of this data.txt contains the Mean Absolute Error for the absolute differences between the estimated distance and the real distance at a depth of x meters -- in our experiments, we set x = 10 m. We compute the MAE both for the naive and the advanced approaches (see the Introduction for an explanation on these two approaches).

After having ran the previous python script with the --save_data argument set, we can now find the following inside the folders 380 and 580:

  • *_output.ply contains the reconstructed 3D scene, featuring only the road, the walls and the naive and advanced distances (red and green lines). You can use MeshLab to open a PLY file.

  • *_output.png features the segmented scene with the computed distances at the top.

  • *_output_dips.png is the disparity map that monodepth predicts for the given input image.

  • *_output_distances.txt is a plain text file containing the predicted width of the road using both the naive and advanced approaches.

  • *_output_times.txt is a plain text file containing the inference times for each task of the pipeline.

The rest of the files can be disregarded. They are only generated for sanity checks.

Note that you can set the --verbose option when running the previous command to get more info during execution, like so:

$ python dist2fence_frame.py --save_data --verbose

Other functionalites

Note as well that running the python script without any arguments

$ python dist2fence_frame.py

will just generate the following files:

  • *_output_distances.txt is a plain text file containing the predicted width of the road using both the naive and advanced approaches.

  • *_output_times.txt is a plain text file containing the inference times for each task of the pipeline.

So no backend info (i.e., no 3D point clouds, which are just used in the backend to compute distances).

Also, by running the following, SemanticDepth will be applied using the focal length provided as argument:

$ python dist2fence_frame.py --fov=360

Other params:

  • --input_frame=<pathToImage>: If set, the pipeline will only be applied to the indicated image
  • --aproach=both: If set to both, naive and advanced approaches are used (the other option is naive).

Test SemanticDepth on the Stuttgart video sequence from Cityscapes

Download the Stuttgart sequence from Cityscapes. Extract all the png images from the sequence (or just a subset of the sequence) into data/stuttgart_video_test. Then run:

$ python dist2fence_sequence_of_frames.py --verbose

By default, the naive distance will be computed, given that the Stuttgart sequence does not have walls/fences at each side of the road, as a Formula-E-like racetrack would, on which to compute our advanced distance.

In the results folder (which will have been created in the root if you didn't have one yet) you will find a new folder named stuttgart_video containing two other directories, namely result_sequence_imgs and result_sequence_ply. The former contains the output images with the computed distances written on the frame; the latter contains the masked 3D point cloud on which we compute the road's width at a certain depth.

You can then use the script create_video_from_frames.py inside utils to convert the list of images that have been just created (result_sequence_imgs) into mp4 format.

4. Semantic Segmentation Network

The source files for the semantic segmentation network are under the folder fcn8s. There you can find an implementation of an FCN-8s semantic segmenatation architecture.

To train a new model we need to:

  • Make sure that your virtulenv is activated. Otherwise, run the following inside the root directory of your project (or wherever you have your virtual environment):

    source .venv/bin/activate

  • Then, change directories to fcn8s and execute the fcn.py file to train our FCN-8s implementation on a specified dataset (e.g., roborace750_mockup or Cityscapes) like so:

    $ cd fcn8s
    $ python fcn.py --dataset=roborace750_mockup --epochs=100
  • After training is done, the following folders will have been created:

    • ../models/sem_seg: contains the model which has been just trained

    • log (inside fcn8s): contains logging info about training:

      • loss vs epochs for training and validation sets
      • IoU vs epochs for training and validation sets

Pretrained Model for Semantic Segmentation on fences and road

Under request at pablo.rodriguez-palafox@tum.de. See models/get_sem_seg_models.md for further details on how to get them.

Test a model on the Roborace dataset's test set:

Check that you are inside the fcn8s directory.

Within the virtual environment, execute the following to run inference on the test set of the dataset indicated in the --dataset argument by using a previously trained model, which will be asked automatically after running the following command:

$ python fcn.py --mode=test --dataset=roborace750_mockup

Enter the name of the model you want to use in the format <epochs>-Epochs-<dataset>, e.g., 100-Epochs-roborace750

After testing is done, the following folder and files will have appeared in the same folder as the fcn.py file:

  • runs: contains the segmented images
  • log//iou/test_set_iou_.txt: contains the IoU metric for each image of the test set
  • times.txt: inference times for each image of the test set

5. Monocular Depth Estimation Network (monodepth)

We use the network developed by Godard et al., called MonoDepth (Copyright © Niantic, Inc. 2018. Patent Pending. All rights reserved.).

Monodepth model (monocular depth estimation model trained on Cityscapes by Godard)

To download the monodepth model trained on cityscapes by Godard, go to the monodepth repo or run the following:

$ cd models
$ sudo chmod +x get_monodepth_model.sh
$ ./get_monodepth_model.sh model_cityscapes ./monodepth/model_cityscapes

6. License

This work is largely based on MonoDepth, work of Godard et al.. MonoDepth license information is stated below:

Copyright © Niantic, Inc. 2018. Patent Pending. All rights reserved.

This Software is licensed under the terms of the UCLB ACP-A Licence which allows for non-commercial use only, the full terms of which are made available in the LICENSE file. For any other use of the software not covered by the terms of this licence, please contact info@uclb.com

From MonoDepth, we use the files average_gradients.py, bilinear_sampler.py, monodepth_dataloader.py and monodepth_model.py, which we have not modified in any way. You can find these files in the folder monodepth_lib.

We do use a function (post_process_disparity) from the file monodepth_simple.py (which can be found in monodepth's repository) inside our files dist2fence.py and dist2fence_cityscapes_sequence.py.

Furthermore, files fcn8s/fcn.py and fcn8s/helper.py are based on the FCN-8s implementation by Udacity, released under the MIT License.

The rest of the files not mentioned above in this project are released under a GPLv3 License.

Check the LICENSE for a detailed explanation on all 3 licenses used in this work.