Open Robot Actuator Hardware
Click on the pictures below for more information
TI Evaluation Boards |
BLMC µDriver |
Master Board |
Details Wiring |
Quadruped 8dof v2 |
Quadruped 12dof |
Biped 6dof |
TriFingerEdu |
2dof Leg v2 |
3dof Leg |
Biped Leg |
FingerEdu |
Actuator Module Core v1 |
Actuator Module Core v1.1 |
Details 3d Printed Parts |
Details Machined Parts |
Quadruped 12dof v1.1 Autonomy Upgrade |
Leg Test Stand v2 |
NYU Finger |
Dual Motor Testbed |
Mechanical Tools and Consumables |
Electronic Components and Tools |
Details Electronics Quadruped Robot 12dof |
Lower Legs |
Robot Calibration |
Conventions |
Known Issues |
Step-by-Step Instructions
Motor Preparation |
Motor Shaft Preparation |
Encoder Preparation |
Center Pulley Preparation |
Output Pulley Preparation |
Shell Preparation |
Actuator Module Assembly |
Actuator Module Testing |
Old Versions for Reference
Quadruped 8dof v1 |
2dof Leg v1 |
Leg Test Stand v1 |
Foot Contact Switch |
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Webpage
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - YouTube Channel
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Forum
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Paper
Hardware Overview
Software Overview
Jonathan Fiene
Thomas Flayols
Felix Grimminger
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Max Planck Gesellschaft and New York University