
A catalogue for listing plugins

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A repository for listing MCDReforged plugins

Only include plugins compatible with MCDReforged

If there is any good plugin, please submit a PR, and I will invite you to this organization if necessary



Game Information

Name Maintainer Function
daycount Fallen_Breath !!day give you the number of day passed
Seen Pandaria98 Laziness ranking
SeenR Ra1ny_Yuki Laziness ranking for MCDR 1.x which can identify Carpet bot)
TPS Da_Dog Check for server TPS
Daytime BelowZeroKelvin Show minecraft time
SystemInfo Alex3236 View system information
Seed White_Paper_ Use"!!seed"to get seed
Online A-JiuA A plugin for querying online players of several servers
seed ChunkAsgore A plugin for querying server map seeds for MCDReforged.
Info zhang_anzhi Get useful server info(CPU/memory/world size...)
SeedR Van_Nya Use !!seed to get seed,, reply translated message just like vanilla style (MCDR 1.x Only)
DayCountR Van_Nya Use !!days to get day count since server set up, customize start day and reply msg by config file (MCDR 1.x Only)
daycount-NBT Alex3236 An easy-use daycount (MCDR 1.x Only)


Name Maintainer Function
MCDR-WikiSearcher GamerNoTitle A plugin helps you search Minecraft Wiki in game and get the result on one click
FastSearch HackerRouter Search something in game
BilibiliParser dogdie233 Parse and print Bilibili information on server
WikiRequests DrLee_lihr Another wiki plugin to query whether there is a page on the wiki and return the link, otherwise an error will be reported


Name Maintainer Function
Here Fallen_Breath Broadcast your position and high light yourself
DeiPos 57767598 Send player death position to the position owner
Waypoints GamerNoTitle Gather your waypoints with Volexmap, save them in a database of your server and share them across the server
Here-NBT DancingSnow0517 Boardcast your position and high light yourself (Read NBT File Ver)
LocationMarker Fallen_Breath A server side waypoint manager
Where IvanYF Check the coordinate of a player
Markit mrxiaozhuox Create, share and manage Your coordinates!


Name Maintainer Function
StatsHelper Fallen_Breath Statistic query and scoardboard maker
MCDR-Auto-Scoreboard White_Paper_ Highly customized rolling scoreboard plugin
SChanger HackerRouter Change scoreboards automatically
Fz-sDatapackImporter Hendrix-Shen A plugin for synchronizing stats data to fz-s datapack scoreboard
StatsRepeat DancingSnow0517 Create and rotate the scoreboard
MinedRanking zhang_anzhi Set mined ranking on scoreboard

Game Helper


Name Maintainer Function
Calculator Fallen_Breath In game calculator
Task Pandaria98 Shows tasks of project in progress
GameMode 57767598 Change a player's gamemode to spectator, Switch back will teleport him to the original position and change his mode to survival
petmove 63815af756f0357940c666d2ae1c801d Move a pet between different players
PCRC-MCDR Fallen_Breath Record on server plugin
Gamemode zhang_anzhi Change to spectator mode for observe, teleport to origin position when change back to survival mode
PerimeterMaker wyf0762 Create perimeters in creative/mirror servers, operate layer by layer to avoid lags
SinglePlayerSleep zhang_anzhi Enable single player sleep to skip night in server
AdvancedCalculator zhang_anzhi Provides multiple convenient calculate in game
PearlCannonHelper hai_dan A tool to calculate the position of each gametick of the pearl accelerated by TNT on the pearl cannon
TpDimension MIZUkiYuu Teleports between dimensions more easily.For example,use !!overworld <x> <y> <z> to specify teleport coordinates
LazyTP Ra1ny_Yuki Quick teleport helper, teleport between dims, teleport to waypoint quickyly and more functions
DimensionConvert Eleven A plugin to convert dimension coordinate between nether and overworld


Name Maintainer Function
CarpetBotList BelowZeroKelvin A plugin to show carpet bot
AutoBot MercyNaima A plugin to spawn carpet BOT/BOTS
MCDR-bot Fallen_Breath Fake player support based on pycraft
Bot zhang_anzhi Storage bot list, one key to spawn or kill bot
BotMono Jerry-FaGe The input English, Chinese (even Pinyin) points to the same BOT and provides operation interface and simplified instructions
BotKikai Jerry-FaGe Storage bot position list, one key to spawn or kill bot, and can let the bot right click


Name Maintainer Function
CarpetFeatureHelper Fallen_Breath Give the ability of switching some of carpet options to non-op player
CommandPermissionReload DrLee_lihr Provides a way to execute the command by changing the '/' character in front of the command to "!!", which can be controlled by the permission system of MCDReforged
kick ChunkAsgore A plugin for kicking out players for MCDReforged.
quick_run_cmd Ricky A plugin can run command script quickly in server.
CwdHelper Railgun_ALGO A plugin can send commend to the system in games.


Name Maintainer Function
PlayerDropSkull Fallen_Breath Player drops skull on death
Hat BelowZeroKelvin Put something on your head
WebsocketBlh ixiaohei A BLHClient: using websocket to get bilibili bullet chat
TwentyFourPoints zhang_anzhi Classic math game twenty four points
Meow HackerRouter A multifunctional chat bot.(like switching some carpet options)
AIchat A-jiuA A chat bot that uses Tencent AI and Youdao translation
BeaconRGB Well2333 Beacon lightcolumn dyeing auxiliary plugin
Minigame Jianguo_Nut Make the vanilla minigames more convenient
BilibiliInfo CalciumSilicate Another Bilibili plugin to parse Bilibili information and get the result on a click instead of typing BV
BullshitGen Van_Nya Use !!bullshit to generate copyable bullshit article with customizable limit and key words (MCDR 1.x Only)
MCDRpost Flyky A MCDR plugin for post/teleport items
HomoCalc Van_Nya Use !!homo to generate expression with 114514 for homo (MCDR 1.x Only)
mapitem InkEcau Generate map paintings
MCDR-Hat B-2U Put something on your head (MCDR 1.x Only)


Name Maintainer Function
ChatBridge Fallen_Breath Boardcast chat between mc servers or even discord server
FastPost HackerRouter Send a message to an offline player
Beep LucunJi Beeps when someone is mentioned in text with an @
Vote Da_Dog In game Vote plugin
QQChat zhang_anzhi Connect QQ and Minecraft, with list function
ColoredChat zhang_anzhi Support display Formatting codes in vanilla server
ChatBridgeReforged Ricky Reforged of ChatBridge,
Boardcast chat between mc servers or even discord server

Server Management


Name Maintainer Function
joinMOTD Fallen_Breath Welcome message and server list on player joined
joinMOTD++(Recommended) Alex3236 A more useful joinMOTD.(MCDR 1.x Only)
Welcomer hanbings Send a sentence to the player after joining the game
ANN Da_Dog Timed announcement
CustomMOTD GamerNoTitle Change your MOTD with a command(colorful content is supported)
JoinMOTDR Van_Nya Send MOTD on player joined, can deeply customize by config file (MCDR 1.x Only)
Notice LiamSho Easy-to-use announcement plugin. Multiple announcements, auto send on joining, manually broadcast, etc. (MCDR 1.x Only)


Name Maintainer Function
QuickBackupM Fallen_Breath Backup/Restore plugin, with muti backup slot
TimedQBM Fallen_Breath A Quick-Backup-Multi extension for automatically trigger QBM at given interval
RegionFileUpdater Fallen_Breath Update region files for mirror server
PermanentBackup Fallen_Breath Create permanent zipped world backup
AutoBackup Dark-Night-Base Auto backup via rsync (tested only on Linux)
AutoQuickBackup XiaoHuiHui233 Auto Backup/Restore plugin, with muti backup slot. Modified from QuickBackupM
AutoUpdate Da_Dog Server auto update
Regularbackup TANGhz17 A regular backup plugin(use 7zip)
MirrorSync wyf0762 Sync survival server world to mirror server
Size White_Paper_ Use command to get your server's save size
MapcrafterRender zhang_anzhi Automatic render the Mapcrafter map
WESchem Ra1ny_Yuki Copy WorldEdit schematic files quickly between sub-servers
LiteFileManager Fallen_Breath A lite weight in-game file manager
Server-Updater Ra1ny_Yuki Keep your vanilla server up-to-date easily
AutoZipBackup Sanluli36li Daily backup and unknown player backup base on PermanentBackup


Note that any current plugin management plugins have major flaws. It is recommended to wait patiently for the official plugin manager.

Name Maintainer Function
MCDP Dark-Night-Base Manage plugins via git
pget_pure TiyaAnlite A display infomation friendly plugins for helps you download or update other plugins
MCDR-get 57767598 The plugin library of MCDR
pget_for_MCDR zhang_anzhi Download plugin in game

Item Clean

Name Maintainer Function
MCDRClear hanbings Auto and can be delayed clean
MCDR-AutoCleaner Forgot-Dream A sweeping robot that can add whitelist
ClearItem 57767598 Manual sweeping: after 15s delay, the items on the floor will be clean. The items will be protect for 5min if there's a player die(unless the dead player agrees to sweep the floor) . Info: the sweeping process can be interrupted at any time. You can add items on the white list(will not be clean)

Server Control

Name Maintainer Function
SimpleOP Fallen_Breath !!op to get op, !!restart to restart the server. For CMP server
StartStopHelper Fallen_Breath Help admin to start / stop / restart the server
MCDR-Mirror-Server GamerNoTitle A plugin helps you sync/turn on your mirror server, for building design and redstone debug
MWConsole ixiaohei mcdr web console
simple_test Ricky A plugin for checking simple problem of MCDR
cpu_temp Ricky A plugin for MCDReforged to check cpu temp regularly
CrashRestart Fallen_Breath A plugin to restart the server after server crashes. Maximum allowance for crashes is configurable
Hibernate Dark-Night-Base A plugin which hibernates your server when no one's online, and resume it when someone login
StartStopHelperR zhang_anzhi Start and stop server helper

Player management

Name Maintainer Function
Leader MercyNaima Mark you to a leader,and leads people
AdvancedBan zhang_anzhi AdvancedBan, has timing
AdvancedWhitelist Da_Dog AdvancedWhitelist with custom kick message and IP whitelist
multi_whitelist Ricky A plugin for control whitelist in multi servers
RepairManager wyf0762 Manage reports for repair
mcwl ChunkAsgore A whitelist management plugin for MCDReforged.
Monitor W-Kazdel Record player coordinates, pseudo-peace notification.
MonitorR XiaoHuiHui233 A plugin that regularly obtains the location of online players for recording, and sets a restricted area at the same time.


Name Maintainer Function
PlayerInfoAPI Fallen_Breath Get entity information / Parse Minecraft style json. MCDR 0.x only
MinecraftDataAPI Fallen_Breath A MCDReforged api plugin to get player data information and more
stext Pandaria98 A library for better text display
TitleAPI hanbings A library for title command
ChatColor dogdie233 Send color messages more simply
MinecraftItemAPI Forgot-Dream Minecraft Blocks ID Library
MCDR-CHA-ChatAPI hanbings HTTP interface for cool Q robot
vault zhang_anzhi Economic Preposition
ConfigAPI hanbings / zhang_anzhi Fast create config file
ProgressBar Preliterate A library forbossbarcommand
OnlinePlayerAPI zhang_anzhi Online player api
CoolQAPI zhang_anzhi CoolQ and MCDR connect plugin develop API
ItemStack dogdie233 An Item api like Bukkit
UUIDAPI zhang_anzhi Get player UUID
MinecraftItemAPI zhang_anzhi A Minecraft item API
JsonDataAPI zhang_anzhi Plugin data storage API
WebsocketAPI BelowZeroKelvin Provide websocket support for other plugins
RText-EXP Alex3236 An RText expression implementation with color, style and hover text support
DatabaseAPI zhang_anzhi Database API
LanguageAPI zhang_anzhi Language API
MoreAPIs Huaji_MUR233 A very simple plugin that provides some (secondary wrapper) API with events
PythonIsPlugin Huaji_MUR233 Let you can depend a you want python version
MCDReforged-Remote Cubik65536 A MCDR plugin and a Java library, connecting QQ and Minecraft & allowing users to implement server control and other functions through the library

Bukkit Revolution

Name Maintainer Function
Economy zhang_anzhi Economic plugin
LockChest Da_Dog A plugin that can Lock the Chest
currency 63815af756f0357940c666d2ae1c801d A currency plugin with a dynamic-price shop
MagicChat Da_Dog Show item in chat
QuickAnswer zhang_anzhi Ask online player some arithmetic problems
TPA Da_Dog tp request plugin
home wyf0762 Set a home and teleport to home at any time
back EDHY-233 Show and teleport to player's failed place
dimTeleport wyf0762 Teleport between overworld, the nether and the_end
tpHelper dream-rhythm Let non-op can use tp,tpa and back to last tp Position
TPN hyf3513OneGO Teleport between non-op players freely,show online players
Telekinesis Nyaacinth Allow teleportation between non-op players, with home/back/spawn support