Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

SAF repository for CMSB2023

Very Quick Start

You can play with SAF using the web application version of SAF.

Quick Start requires only a Java runtime

The only requirement to run SAF is a Java Virtual Machine version 8 or greater. You can check your Java Runtime version using the command java -version

In this case, the tool is using an embedded Java SAT solver, Sat4j.

The following command will run SAF to find attractors of size less than or equal to 4.

java -jar saf.jar -k 4 example/toy-ex.an

It should return the following output:

Using Sat4j SAT Solver

k: 1, #Var: 19, #Clause: 54
k: 2, #Var: 102, #Clause: 586
k: 3, #Var: 184, #Clause: 1395
k: 4, #Var: 292, #Clause: 2560

It means that there are 6 attractors of size 1 and no attractors of size 2, 3 and 4.

Thanks to BioLQM, SAF can accept various network formats (e.g., .an, .bnet, .booleannet, .sbml etc.)

$ java -jar saf.jar -k 4 example/arellano_rootstem.bnet 

It should return the following output:

Using Sat4j SAT Solver

k: 1, #Var: 30, #Clause: 102
k: 2, #Var: 180, #Clause: 1278
k: 3, #Var: 333, #Clause: 3172
k: 4, #Var: 537, #Clause: 5924

It means that there are 4 attractors of size 1 and no attractors of size 2, 3 and 4.

Command line options

The usual -h or --help options provide a detailed usage of the tool.

$ java -jar saf.jar -h
Usage: java -jar saf.jar [options] [inputFile]
 -h         : show this help
 --help         : show this help
 -libname <Library Name>        : name of IPASIR Library
 -libpath <Library Path>        : directory where IPASIR Library is
 -k1solver <K1 Solver Path>        : path of the executable of SAT solver for k=1
 -k <INT>        : upper bound of k (default Int.MaxValue)
 -encode <cycle|symmetry|full>        : encoding option (default full)

Using the options -libname, -libpath or -k1solver, one can use state-of-the-art SAT/AllSAT solvers. Those options are detailed below.

How to use state-of-the-art SAT solvers?

It is possible to use any SAT solver implementing the IPASIR interface.

Install CaDiCaL

CaDiCaL can be used when a very efficient SAT solver is required and a few attractors are expected. It is provided for convenience in this repository within the cadical directory.

To compile it on a Unix system, execute the following command:

cd cadical
CXXFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure && make

The next execution command varies depending on OS (we consider Linux/macOS).

g++ -g -O3 -I. -shared -o ./build/libcadical.so `ls build/*.o | grep -v mobical`

g++ -g -O3 -I. -dynamiclib -o ./build/libcadical.dylib `ls build/*.o | grep -v mobical`


  • if it's Linux, you should be able to confirm the generation of cadical/build/libcadical.so, and
  • if it's Mac, you should be able to confirm the generation of cadical/build/libcadical.dylib.

which are used by SAF as an external solver on Linux or macOS respectively.


BDD_MINISAT_ALL can be used when the number of attractors is expected to be large. It is provided for convenience in this repository within the bdd_minisat_all-1.0.2 directory.

To install it, execute the command below.

cd bdd_minisat_all-1.0.2
make r

It will produce the file bdd_minisat_all-1.0.2/bdd_minisat_all_release which can be used by SAF as an external solver.

Launching SAF by using both CaDiCaL and BDD_MINISAT_ALL

The following command will run SAF using both CaDiCaL and BDD_MINISAT_ALL. BDD_MINISAT_ALL will be used to enumerate singleton attractors while CaDiCal will be used to compute the remaining attractors.

$ java -jar saf.jar -k 4 -k1solver bdd_minisat_all-1.0.2/bdd_minisat_all_release -libname cadical -libpath cadical/build/ example/arellano_rootstem.bnet 

It will return the output

Using IPASIR SAT Solver and AllSAT Solver
Libpath: cadical/build/
Libname: cadical
K1solver: bdd_minisat_all-1.0.2/bdd_minisat_all_release

k: 2, #Var: 180, #Clause: 1278
k: 3, #Var: 333, #Clause: 3172
k: 4, #Var: 537, #Clause: 5924

Building SAF from source

SAF is written in Scala and requires sbt to manage its dependencies.

To build SAF from its source, just type

$ sbt assembly

in the directory containing this repository.

The saf.jar file can be found in the directory target/scala-2.12/.

Performance Evalution