
Solutions for Hackerrank problems.

Primary LanguagePython




Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Say "Hello, World!" With Python Python Easy 5
Python If-Else Python Easy 10
Arithmetic Operators Python Easy 10
Python: Division Python Easy 10
Loops Python Easy 10
Write a function Python Medium 10
Print Function Python Easy 20


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Input() Python Easy 20
Python Evaluation Python Easy 20
Zipped! Python Easy 10

Basic Data Types

Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Find the Runner-Up Score! Python Easy 10
Nested Lists Python Easy 10
Finding the percentage Python Easy 10
Lists Python Easy 10
Tuples Python Easy 10


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
sWAP cASE Python Easy 10
String Split and Join Python Easy 10
What's Your Name? Python Easy 10
Mutations Python Easy 10
Find a string Python Easy 10
String Validators Python Easy 10
Text Alignment Python Easy 10
Text Wrap Python Easy 10
String Formatting Python Easy 10
Capitalize! Python Easy 20


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Introduction to Sets Python Easy 10
Symmetric Difference Python Easy 10
Set .add() Python Easy 10
Set .discard(), .remove() & .pop() Python Easy 10
Set .union() Operation Python Easy 10
Set .intersection() Operation Python Easy 10
Set .difference() Operation Python Easy 10
Set .symmetric_difference() Operation Python Easy 10
Set Mutations Python Easy 10
The Captain's Room Python Easy 10
Check Subset Python Easy 10
Check Strict Superset Python Easy 10
No Idea! Python Medium 50


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Mod Divmod Python Easy 10
Power - Mod Power Python Easy 10
Integers Come In All Sizes Python Easy 10
Polar Coordinates Python Easy 10
Find Angle MBC Python Medium 10
Triangle Quest Python Medium 20
Triangle Quest 2 Python Medium 20


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
itertools.product() Python Easy 10
itertools.permutations() Python Easy 10
itertools.combinations() Python Easy 10
itertools.combinations_with_replacement() Python Easy 10
Compress the String! Python Medium 20
Iterables and Iterators Python Medium 40
Maximize It! Python Hard 50


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
collections.Counter() Python Easy 10
DefaultDict Tutorial Python Easy 20
Collections.namedtuple() Python Easy 20
Collections.OrderedDict() Python Easy 20
Collections.deque() Python Easy 20
Word Order Python Medium 50
Company Logo Python Medium 30
Piling Up! Python Medium 50

Date and Time

Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Calendar Module Python Easy 10

Problem Solving


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Solve Me First Python, Go Easy 10
Compare the Triplets Python, Go Easy 10
A Very Big Sum Python, Go Easy 10
Diagonal Difference Python, Go Easy 10
Plus Minus Python, Go Easy 10
Staircase Python, Go Easy 10
Mini-Max Sum Python, Go Easy 10
Birthday Cake Candles Python, Go Easy 10
Time Conversion Python, Go Easy 15


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Grading Students Python, Go Easy 10
Apple and Orange Python, Go Easy 10
Kangaroo Python, Go Easy 10
Find Digits Python, Go Easy 25
Extra Long Factorials Python Medium 20
Between Two Sets Python, Go Easy 10
Breaking the Records Python, Go Easy 10
Birthday Chocolate Python, Go Easy 10
Divisible Sum Pairs Python, Go Easy 10
Migratory Birds Python, Go Easy 10
Day of the Programmer Go Easy 15
Bon Appétit Python, Go Easy 10
Sock Merchant Python, Go Easy 10
Drawing Book Python, Go Easy 10
Counting Valleys Python, Go Easy 15
Electronics Shop Python, Go Easy 15
Cats and a Mouse Python, Go Easy 15
Forming a Magic Square Python, Go Medium 20
Picking Numbers Python, Go Easy 20
Climbing the Leaderboard Python, Go Medium 20
The Hurdle Race Python, Go Easy 15
Designer PDF Viewer Python, Go Easy 20
Utopian Tree Python, Go Easy 20
Angry Professor Python, Go Easy 20
Beautiful Days at the Movies Python, Go Easy 15
Viral Advertising Go Easy 15
Save the Prisoner! Go Easy 15
Circular Array Rotation Python Easy 20
Jumping on the Clouds: Revisited Python, Go Easy 15
Append and Delete Python Easy 20
Sherlock and Squares Python Easy 20
Library Fine Python, Go Easy 15
Cut the sticks Python Easy 25
Sequence Equation Python Easy 20
Jumping on the Clouds Python Easy 20
Equalize the Array Python Easy 20
ACM ICPC Team Python Easy 25
Taum and B'day Python Easy 25
Service Lane Python Easy 20
Minimum Distances Python Easy 20
Beautiful Triplets Python Easy 20
Modified Kaprekar Numbers Python Easy 30
Lisa's Workbook Python Easy 25
Repeated String Python Easy 20
Chocolate Feast Python Easy 25
Halloween Sale Python Easy 20
Encryption Python Medium 30
The Time in Words Python Medium 25
Cavity Map Python Easy 30
The Grid Search Python Medium 30
Manasa and Stones Python Easy 30
Queen's Attack II Python Medium 30
Non-Divisible Subset Python Medium 20
Strange Counter Python Easy 30
HackerRank in a String! Python Easy 30
Gemstones Python Easy 20
Alternating Characters Python Easy 20


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Intro to Tutorial Challenges Python Easy 30
Big Sorting Python Easy 20
Insertion Sort - Part 1 Python Easy 30
Insertion Sort - Part 2 Python Easy 30
Correctness and the Loop Invariant Python Easy 30
Running Time of Algorithms Python Easy 30
Quicksort 1 - Partition Python Easy 10
Quicksort 2 - Sorting Python Easy 30
Quicksort In-Place Python Medium 35
Running Time of Quicksort Python Easy 35
Counting Sort 1 Python Easy 30
Counting Sort 2 Python Easy 30
The Full Counting Sort Python Medium 40
Closest Numbers Python Easy 35
Find the Median Python Easy 35


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
CamelCase Python Easy 15
Funny String Python Easy 25
Super Reduced String Python Easy 10
Strong Password Python Easy 15
Two Characters Python Easy 20
Caesar Chiper Python Easy 15
Mars Exploration Python Easy 15
Pangrams Python Easy 20
Weighted Uniform Strings Python Easy 20
Separate the Numbers Python Easy 20
Gemstones Python Easy 20
Beautiful Binary String Python Easy 20
Anagram Python Easy 25
Game of Thrones - I Python Easy 30
Making Anagrams Python Easy 30
Two Strings Python Easy 25
String Construction Python Easy 25
The Love-Letter Mystery Python Easy 20
Designer Door Mat Python Easy 10


Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Ice Cream Parlor Python Easy 30

10 Days Of Statistics

Problem Solution Difficulty Points
Day 0: Mean, Median, and Mode Python Easy 30
Day 0: Weighted Mean Python Easy 30
Day 1: Quartiles Python Easy 30
Day 1: Interquartile Range Python Easy 30
Day 1: Standard Deviation Python Easy 30
Day 4: Binomial Distribution I Python Easy 30
Day 4: Binomial Distribution II Python Easy 30
Day 4: Geometric Distribution I Python Easy 30
Day 4: Geometric Distribution II Python Easy 30
Day 5: Poisson Distribution I Python Easy 30
Day 5: Poisson Distribution II Python Easy 30
Day 5: Normal Distribution I Python, Python Scipy Implementation Easy 30
Day 5: Normal Distribution II Python Easy 30
Day 6: The Central Limit Theorem I Python Easy 30
Day 6: The Central Limit Theorem II Python Easy 30
Day 6: The Central Limit Theorem III Python Easy 30
Day 7: Pearson Correlation Coefficient I Python Easy 30
Day 7: Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient Python Easy 30
Day 8: Least Square Regression Line Python Easy 30
Day 9: Multiple Linear Regression Python Medium 30