Packages related to simulation and control of cable-driven parallel robots.
The robot geometry is defined in a YAML file (see sdf folder), then generates a SDF file through the call to <file>.yaml
The same robot can be simulated by calling
roslaunch cdpr.launch model:=<robot model>
where robot model
corresponds to the YAML and SDF files.
A very basic PID controller can be tested using
rosrun cdpr pid_control
The controller does not take into account the positive-only tensions and is just here to show the use of the CDPR class that interfaces with Gazebo.
An example is given through cdpr/sdf/caroca.yaml. The sim_cables field leads to two behaviors:
- if True then Gazebo wil simulate the cables as rigid bodies and subscribe for cable tensions
- if False then Gazebo will simulate a free-floating platform and subscribe for cdpr::Tensions which are the tensions + unit vector of all cables.
- The improvement with using CTC control algorithm and trajectory generator
- The control algorithm is CTC which integrates the quadratic programming optimization method in order to get the feasible tension in cables.
- The trajectory parameter is defined by
in sdf folder. - The SDF file is loaded by the launch file directly when using
command to launch one controller. - The 5 orders polynomial is implemented to generate one trajectory with updating time 0.01. It is set the same initial pose with initialization of cdpr, and the desired position is [2,2,1].
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