
Scans a Profinet controller and adds all stations/devices to a Beckhoff TwinCAT Profinet IO Device (TF6270)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

CI/CD NuGet version (dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI)


dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI is a command-line tool written in C#/.NET, that scans for Profinet packets on a network interface.
It listens for packets, sent from a Profinet Controller (Master) to the requested devices.
The captured/recorded devices are then exported to a TwinCAT Profinet IO Device (TF6270), as *.xti-file.

The tool supports both Windows and Linux operating systems.


This is useful for virtual commissioning/digital-twin (HiL) projects with Beckhoff TwinCAT (TF6270), which is simulating the physical Profinet devices.
It's always a huge pain to gather all required GSDML files and to add and configure the devices manually in TwinCAT.


It captures the connected Profinet Controller (Master) with SharpPcap and parses the received packets. The captured information's are then transformed into a *.xti file, which can be imported into TwinCAT via the Add Existing Item… dialog.
A typical handshake between the Controller and dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI looks like this:

    Controller ->> TcPnScanner: Ident Req
    Note right of Controller: From Raspberr_0a:b7:47 to PN-MC_00:00:00 <br/>PN-DCP:	Ident Req, Xid:0x87ee, NameOfStation:"device-a"
    TcPnScanner-->>Controller: Ident OK
    Note left of TcPnScanner: From be:ef:00:00:87:ee to Raspberr_0a:b7:47 <br/>PN-DCP: Ident Ok , Xid:0x87ee, NameOfStation:"device-a", IP
    Controller ->> TcPnScanner: Set Req
    Note right of Controller: From Raspberr_0a:b7:47 to be:ef:00:00:87:ee <br/>PN-DCP: Set Req, Xid:0x87d6, IP
    TcPnScanner-->>Controller: Set OK
    Note left of TcPnScanner: From be:ef:00:00:87:ee to Raspberr_0a:b7:47 <br/>PN-DCP:Set Ok , Xid:0x87d6, Response(Ok)
    Controller ->> TcPnScanner: ARP
    Note right of Controller: From Raspberr_0a:b7:47 to Broadcast<br/>ARP: Who has Tell
    TcPnScanner-->>Controller: ARP
    Note left of TcPnScanner: From be:ef:00:00:87:ee to Raspberr_0a:b7:47<br/>ARP: is at be:ef:00:00:87:ee
    Controller ->> TcPnScanner: Connect Req
    Note right of Controller: From to <br/>PNIO-CM: Connect request, ARBlockReq, AlarmCRBlockReq, <br/>IOCRBlockReq, IOCRBlockReq,ExpectedSubmoduleBlockReq


Install via dotnet tool install:

dotnet tool install dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -g


You can invoke the tool using the following command: dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI
Tool 'dsian.tcpnscanner.cli' (version '0.1.0') was successfully installed.


To use dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI, you need to have .NET6 or later installed on your machine. You can download it from the official website: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download.


dotnet tool update dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -g


dotnet tool uninstall dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -g


Tool 'dsian.tcpnscanner.cli' (version '0.1.0') was successfully uninstalled.


  • After installation simply run
  • It will ask for a capturing device:
    The following devices are available on this machine:
    0) \Device\NPF_{00000000-1234-CDEF-A603-392E759CB82A} Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #2
    1) \Device\NPF_{00000001-5678-1234-BFB0-E2A6A36CE73D} Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz
    2) \Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F} TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter (Gigabit) V2
    3) \Device\NPF_Loopback Adapter for loopback traffic capture
    -- Please choose a device to capture on:
  • Enter the number of the device, i.e. 2.
  • Capturing starts
    [16:06:46 INF] 🎀 Selected Capture Device '\Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F}: TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter (Gigabit) V2'
    [16:06:46 INF] Opening capture device '\Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F}'...
    [16:06:46 INF] Listening on \Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F}...
    [16:06:47 INF] 0 At: 14/04/2023 14:06:47:481: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:0180C200000E TYP:Lldp LEN:240
    . . . 
  • Finished scan for devices
    [16:09:12 INF] 34 At: 14/04/2023 14:09:11:997: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:FFFFFFFFFFFF TYP:Arp LEN:42
    [16:09:12 INF] 35 At: 14/04/2023 14:09:11:998: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:BEEF000018DD TYP:IPv4 LEN:418
    [16:09:15 INF] ✨ Successfully scanned 7 device(s)!
  • Outputs the generated *.xti-file
    [16:09:15 INF] πŸ“ Exported devices to C:\Users\densogiaichned\AppData\Local\Temp\dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI\controller (Profinet Device).xti

    See samples/sample-controller.xti.

See Options for more options.


This tool supports piping.
When the console output is redirected, only the generated *.xti-file is printed to console.
In case of a exception, the error is printed to console, and the application exits with exit code > 0.

However, if piping is enabled, you have to specify a capture-device with option -d or -f:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI | echo
❌ A critical error occurred!
Provide option '-d'/'--capture-device' or '-f'/'--pcap-file' if Console output is redirected


Console output is redirected / piped into echo:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -f ./samples/sample-capture.pcap | echo


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TcSmItem xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" TcSmVersion="1" TcVersion="3.1.4024.0" ClassName="CDevEthernetProtocolPnSlaveDef" SubType="115">
  <Device Id="1" DevType="115" AmsPort="65535" AmsNetId="" RemoteName="">
    <Image Id="1" AddrType="1" ImageType="3" SizeIn="0" SizeOut="0">
    <Box Id="1" BoxType="9131">
    . . .
    <Profinet PLCPortNr="851" AddPortCount="1" />


Option Required Description
if piping The name of the capture device to use.
no Capture timeout in seconds, default 180s.
no Read from a *.pcap capture file.
no Output directory to export the TwinCAT *.xti export file.
no Minimum LogEventLevel, i.e. Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Fatal.
--log-file no Path to logfile, default %TEMP%/dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI/dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI-yyyyMMddhhmm.log
--dump no Dump captured packets to file.
--dump-file no Pcap dump file.
no Display help screen.
--version no Display version information.

Example -d/--capture-device

Specify the name of the capture-device to use.
It will look in the device-name or device-description section for a matching capture-device.

Example, following devices are available on the machine:

0) \Device\NPF_{00000000-1234-CDEF-A603-392E759CB82A} Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #2
1) \Device\NPF_{00000001-5678-1234-BFB0-E2A6A36CE73D} Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz
2) \Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F} TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter (Gigabit) V2
3) \Device\NPF_Loopback Adapter for loopback traffic capture

We want to capture with device #2:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -d twincat
[13:09:17 INF] 🎀 Selected Capture Device '\Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F}: TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter (Gigabit) V2'
[13:09:17 INF] Opening capture device '\Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F}'...
[13:09:17 INF] Listening on \Device\NPF_{00000002-90AB-5678-8E50-52A7B958DB2F}...
[13:09:18 INF] 0 At: 14/04/2023 11:09:18:80: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:010ECF000000 TYP:Profinet LEN:60
[13:09:18 INF] 1 At: 14/04/2023 11:09:18:130: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:010ECF000000 TYP:Profinet LEN:60
[13:09:19 INF] 2 At: 14/04/2023 11:09:19:250: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:010ECF000000 TYP:Profinet LEN:60

You may also specify the GUID of the device:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -d 00000002-90AB

Example -f/--pcap-file

A previously captured pcap-file can be loaded, instead of capturing live-data:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -l Information -f samples/sample-capture.pcap -o samples/sample-controller.xti

This loads the file samples/sample-capture.pcap, and replays the recieved packets:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -l Information -f samples/sample-capture.pcap -o samples/sample-controller.xti
[12:48:04 INF] Opening capture device 'samples/sample-capture.pcap'...
[12:48:04 INF] Listening on samples/sample-capture.pcap...
[12:48:04 INF] 0 At: 13/04/2023 19:37:03:464: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:010ECF000000 TYP:Profinet LEN:60
[12:48:04 INF] 1 At: 01/01/1970 00:00:00:0: MAC:BEEF0000B51A -> MAC:B827EB0AB747 TYP:Profinet LEN:37
[12:48:04 WRN] Ignoring packet: [EthernetPacket: SourceHardwareAddress=be:ef:00:00:b5:1a, DestinationHardwareAddress=b8:27:eb:0a:b7:47, Type=Profinet]
[12:48:04 INF] 2 At: 13/04/2023 19:37:03:864: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:BEEF0000B51A TYP:Profinet LEN:60
[12:48:04 INF] 3 At: 01/01/1970 00:00:00:0: MAC:BEEF0000B51A -> MAC:B827EB0AB747 TYP:Profinet LEN:34
[12:48:04 WRN] Ignoring packet: [EthernetPacket: SourceHardwareAddress=be:ef:00:00:b5:1a, DestinationHardwareAddress=b8:27:eb:0a:b7:47, Type=Profinet]
[12:48:04 INF] 4 At: 13/04/2023 19:37:04:744: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:FFFFFFFFFFFF TYP:Arp LEN:42
[12:48:04 INF] 5 At: 01/01/1970 00:00:00:0: MAC:BEEF0000B51A -> MAC:B827EB0AB747 TYP:Arp LEN:42
[12:48:04 INF] 6 At: 13/04/2023 19:37:04:745: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:BEEF00005D5D TYP:IPv4 LEN:418
[12:48:05 INF] ✨ Successfully scanned 1 device(s)!
[12:48:05 INF] πŸ“ Exported devices to D:\densogiaichned\TcPnScanner\samples\sample-controller.xti

Example -l/--log-level

The default LogEventLevel is Information, which prints only the received packets header:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -l Information -f samples/sample-capture.pcap -o samples/sample-controller.xti
[12:48:04 INF] Opening capture device 'samples/sample-capture.pcap'...
[12:48:04 INF] Listening on samples/sample-capture.pcap...
[12:48:04 INF] 0 At: 13/04/2023 19:37:03:464: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:010ECF000000 TYP:Profinet LEN:60
[12:48:04 INF] 1 At: 01/01/1970 00:00:00:0: MAC:BEEF0000B51A -> MAC:B827EB0AB747 TYP:Profinet LEN:37

The level Verbose also prints out the content of a packet as Raw Hex Output:

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI -l Verbose -f samples/sample-capture.pcap -o samples/sample-controller.xti
[12:54:00 INF] Opening capture device 'samples/sample-capture.pcap'...
[12:54:00 INF] Listening on samples/sample-capture.pcap...
[12:54:00 INF] 0 At: 13/04/2023 19:37:03:464: MAC:B827EB0AB747 -> MAC:010ECF000000 TYP:Profinet LEN:60
[12:54:00 DBG] 0 content:
Data:  ******* Raw Hex Output - length=60 bytes
Data: Segment:                   Bytes:                              Ascii:
Data: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data: 0000  01 0e cf 00 00 00 b8 27  eb 0a b7 47 88 92 fe fe   .......' ...G....
Data: 0010  05 00 00 00 b5 1a 00 01  00 0a 02 02 00 05 70 6e   ........ ......pn
Data: 0020  2d 69 6f 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   -io..... ........
Data: 0030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00               ........ ....

Example -h/--help

dsian.TcPnScanner.CLI 0.1.0
Copyright (c) 2023 densogiaichned

  Option 'h' is unknown.

  -d, --capture-device    (Default: ) The name of the capture device to use.

  -t, --timeout           (Default: 180) Capture timeout in seconds.

  -f, --pcap-file         (Default: ) Read from a pcap capture file.

  -o, --out-xti-file      (Default: %TEMP%/$APPNAME$/$CONTROLLER$.xti) Output directory to export the TwinCAT Export file.

  -l, --log-level         (Default: Information) Minimum LogEventLevel

  --log-file              (Default: %TEMP%/$APPNAME$/$APPNAME$-.log) Path to logfile

  --dump                  (Default: false) Dump captured packets to file.

  --dump-file             (Default: %TEMP%/$APPNAME$/$APPNAME$-yyyyMMddHHmmss.pcap) Pcap dump file.

  --help                  Display this help screen.

  --version               Display version information.


A logfile is always written, despite having the output piped into another apllication. The default logfile location is

  • Windows
  • Linux

However, the logfile and loglevel can be sepcified via CLI options, see Options.


This tool uses the following open source libraries:

  • SharpPcap - A cross-platform packet capture framework for the .NET environment. Packet.Net - A .NET library for working with network packets.
  • CommandLineParser - A command line parsing library for .NET applications.
  • Verify - A library used for snapshot testing.
  • Serilog - A logging library for .NET applications.

Thanks to the developers of these libraries for their contributions to the open source community.