
Get a newer version of yaml-cpp working and in tree

Opened this issue · 8 comments

The latest release of yaml-cpp has better error messages, and it would be useful to have the headers and .so in tree because it would no longer be necessary to copy the files into the frc toolchain directory. Would also fix #23.

Where should we put all of the .h and .so?

I'm not sure, maybe in lib/yaml-cpp so we could add lib/yaml-cpp/include/yaml-cpp to the include path and lib/yaml-cpp/ as a library.

@zacharyjsnow Are you fine with that? It sounds good to me. I have the newest git version build BTW.

My only concern is that the last time we tried testing the latest version, it segfaulted, but I think it might be because the headers weren't up to date.

That could be it.

BTW Could we preload /lib/ I think it would be helpful.

I think last time I looked for it on the roboRIO I didn't find it, but I could look again when I have access to the robot

It is in glibc, here is the source.

Edit: Also:

$ pkgfile