Rover Simulation


  1. Clone the repo into your catkin workspace in the src folder
  2. Then run catkin_make to compile all the packages
  3. To launch the gazebo simulation , go into the fb_gazebo folder
  4. Then run
roslaunch fb.launch
  1. To launch the rviz simulation , open another terminal and , go into the fb_description folder
  2. Then go into the launch folder inside fb_description folder and run
roslaunch fb_rviz.launch
  1. Now open another terminal and run
rostopic list
  1. The above command is for verifying that you have compiled the simulation correctly!
  2. You will see camera topics , imu , and skid drive controller topics!
  3. Now you can test by publishing commands to the rover and testing!


  1. IMU
  2. RGBD Camera
  3. A Skid Drive controller