- 0
- 3
Combat mechanics
#30 opened by gioragutt - 1
- 4
- 1
- 0
Create game status window (tab window)
#28 opened by gioragutt - 0
Create minimap
#27 opened by gioragutt - 0
Create character controller
#26 opened by gioragutt - 2
Create a Lobby Scene in the client
#7 opened by gioragutt - 1
- 0
- 2
Show player name above game character
#19 opened by dviryamin - 0
Create a small events list gui in the client
#22 opened by gioragutt - 2
- 0
add elements to the map
#18 opened by golanir - 0
Create basic map scene
#1 opened by gioragutt - 2
Restructure client side
#17 opened by dviryamin - 0
- 0
Integrate colyseus-monitor to the server
#15 opened by gioragutt - 0
- 1
Heroku deployment
#14 opened by dviryamin - 1
- 0
- 0