/**/// Public: function_name
/**/// Args
/**/// arg1 - the_arg_value
/**/// arg2 - the_arg_value
/**/// Returns
/**/// return - the_return_value
/**/// Notes
/**/// note - note_about_the_function
/**/// notes_can_be_multiline
It's my way to quickly scan a .js file using this world renowned parser to see what functions are in it and display them in a downloadable HTML page.
It is also an automated generator of documents into a Docs folder (Only goes one subfolder deep currently, till I actually spend some time on this).
npm install
from the extracted directory to install dependencies.
For some fun:
node bin/terrordoc [-i <project folder path> (required)] [-o <optional doc output path>]
This will go through the project folder and parse each .js file and write a corresponding html file into the optional output path. Default path is projectfolder/Docs.
For quick single file site use:
npm start
Go to http://localhost:3000
Click select a file and.... seriously... It's 2 buttons, You'll be OK.....
Expect them.... Literally 0 error handling or tests.... Wait, why are you even using this?