
Simulate a simple Ackermann steering vehicle in Gazebo using ros_control.


Steer Bot


# Create a workspace folder
mkdir -p <catkin_ws>/src

# Clone the repo
cd <catkin_ws>/src
git clone https://github.com/ThanasisTs/steer_bot

# Checkout a version of `steer_drive_ros` patched for ROS Melodic
git clone https://github.com/tsedl/steer_drive_ros.git
cd steer_drive_ros
git checkout melodic-devel
cd ../../

# Install dependencies
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro <ROS-DISTRO> -y
sudo apt install ros-<ROS-DISTRO>-move-base ros-<ROS-DISTRO>-map-server ros-<ROS-DISTRO>-teleop-twist-keyboard

# Build
cd <catkin_ws>/src
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash


Start the Gazebo simulation:

Launch the simulation environment

roslaunch steer_bot_gazebo steer_bot_sim_obstacles.launch

Important Arguements:

  • gui: true to launch the Gazebo GUI (false otherwise, default to true)
  • teleop: true to enable teleoperation (false when used for autonomous navigation, default to false)

Launch the move_base file for autonomous navigation!

roslaunch steer_bot_navigation move_base.launch

Important Arguements:

  • map_file: path to the map
  • motion_premitives_file: path to the motion premitives file Note: The map should be of the same resolution as the motion premitives files. Otherwise the SBPL planner won't run.


Terminal 1: roslaunch steer_bot_gazebo steer_bot_sim_obstacles.launch gui:=false

Terminal 2: roslaunch steer_bot_navigation move_base.launch map_file:=/home/thanasis/catkin_ws/src/steer_bot/steer_bot_navigation/maps/tight_maps/map_res_0.01.yaml motion_premitives_file:=/home/thanasis/catkin_ws/src/steer_bot/steer_bot_navigation/motion_premitives/map_res_0.01.mprim

If everything runs smoothly, you should see an image similar to the following in RViz. alt text

To give a goal pose, select the 2D Nav Goal and set a goal in the map. alt text

Αfter that, you should see the generated path as a green line. alt text

Note: In your PC, change the /home/thanasis/... path in the map_file and motion_premitives_file arguements to the absolute path of the map and the motion premitives in your PC.