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Orientation Week

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Unit 0 - Command Line, Git, Github

Unit 1 - HTML & CSS

Download the following chrome extensions tools

  1. Eye Dropper | used to get the exact color of certain pixels.
  2. Page Ruler | used to get the exact pixel dimensions for something.

Additional Resources

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Project Week

Unit 2 - JavaScript

Additional Resources

Unit 2 Assessment Resources

Week 5

Week 6

Unit 3 - Structured Problem Solving

Additional Resources

Week 8

Week 9

Unit 4 - Object-Oriented JavaScript

Additional Resources

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Unit 5 - Document Object Model

Additional Resources

Week 13

Week 14

Unit 6 - Async JS

Week 15

Unit X - Data Structures and Algorithms

Unit 7

MORE NOTES TO COME, sorry, didn't remember to update this (SQL/Knex migrations/seeds/models review)[]

Review Section

We're going to cover some of the material again to make sure everything is clear! Instead of matching it up to the existing units, we're going to add all the lectures here in one place.

Intro To HTML

Lecture Code

Intro to CSS

Lecture Code

Intro to DOM Manipulation

Lecture Code

Intro to Events

Lecture Code

Intro to Forms

Lecture Code

Intro to A11y

Lecture Code

Loading JS Into Our Page and Vite

Lecture video

Intro to localStorage

Lecture Code

Promise Fundamentals

Lecture video And remember, all the code is in the unit-6 folder here!

async await review lecture

Migrations and Seeds Lecture Code

Lecture Code


React + Express Single Server

Express and Cookies!

Auth and Cookies