
We Implement algorithms such as: Monte Carlo(on and off policy), Q-Learning, SARSA, Policy Iteration and Value Iteration on OpenAI Gym environments.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


In this repository we aim to:

1.Use CliffWalking-v0 from OpenAI gym:

  • Create two agents to find the optimal policy using Policy Iteration and Value Iteration.
  • Test-run and visualizing learning.

2.Use Taxi-v3 from OpenAI gym:

  • Prepare and train your agent using i) On-Policy Monte Carlo and ii) Off-Policy Monte-Carlo using Important Sampling.
  • Prepare and train two more agents using i) Q-Learning and ii) SARSA.

File Structure:

  1. requirements_doc.pdf gives more detailed explanation of the requirements and the scope of this repository.
  2. mc_qlearn_sarsa.ipynb aims to implement
    1. On-Policy Monte Carlo
    2. Off-Policy Monte Carlo+Importance Sampling
    3. Q-Learning
    4. SARSA
  3. policy_iter_value_iter.ipynb aims to implement
    1. Policy Iteration
    2. Value Iteration