
A computer vision controlled hand exoskeleton. 2nd place at HackMIT 2022 (PRHI Challenge)

Primary LanguagePython


Service Architecture Diagram



Pitch Deck


What it looks like when someone uses it:

https://github.com/TheFloatingString/repli.cate/blob/master/cat.png Exo skeletal gesture correction and visually guided training program based in OpenCV, and implemented using 3D printed retaining ring-and-link based mechanism and servo motors. Also developed using the Qt Gui framework and a Flask webapp

The best of implementation of a tool like this is in the healthcare industry, with usecases being specialized invasive surgery training, as well as post treatment physiotherapy training of Parkinson's and Huntington's patients. Since we can't bring a live surgeon for in-person presentation, we had to find a use case for something like this. Along our research we found that, along with physical activities, one of the core principals of physiotherapy regimes like the ones we're talking about is engaging the mind while engaging the physical, including games into activities, or getting the patients to play musical instruments due to the special brain workout they provide. The use case we found viable for this presentation is a Piano.


  • Gesture detection web app:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
  • The C++ code for the ESP-32 microcontroller is located in the esp32 folder.
  • A reflector server also needs to be set up (codebase available via this GitHub repo)

2nd Prize in the Pittsburgh Health Safety Challenge


Link to YouTube Demo (feat. Early Morning Background Singing)
