
Development Project Students are asked to adapt and improve upon an existing Unity C# project, developing upon a basic framework to create a playable, finished game. Students will need to plan & create additional content, including the development & implementation of gameplay, design & technical features, finally publishing the game as a finished product.

Primary LanguageC#

SFAS-Game Programming

Development Project Students are asked to adapt and improve upon an existing Unity C# project, developing upon a basic framework to create a playable, finished game. Students will need to plan & create additional content, including the development & implementation of gameplay, design & technical features, finally publishing the game as a finished product.

#SFASX Project Plan #Ayran Olckers – Misadventures of Sir Noob-A-Lot

Intro A classic dungeon crawler with action and rougelike elements. when you play as Sir Noob-A-Lot, a Model Noob robot that has to eradicate slime monsters in a dungeon.

Initial Ideas • Play as a robot that has both Range and melee attacks. • Typical RPG elements: o Experience o Health o Inventory o Stats o Various enemies  Range  Melee  Enemies follow (AI)

Research For this game I had 2 main games which I got idea from. Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance and Hunter Wayward

Development Todo • [X] Add player movement (could use improvement)

• [X] Add shooting arrows

• [X] Add sword combat

• [X] Add damage detection for slime monster

• [X] Add damage for player/slime attacks

• [X] Add health

• [ ] Dying

• [ ] Health Bar (maybe like one in Farcry 2 where it is split into segments and only auto-regens one segment and you need potions to regen other sections.

• [X] Add XP

• [X] Add Levelling Up and Character Stats

• [ ] Level Up Animation

• [ ] Add implementation of effects of all Stats

• [ ] Add dungeon generation? / Room progression

• [ ] Data Persistence to Save stuff between Rooms

• [X] Add different monsters

• [ ] Ghost

• [ ] Poison trail slime

• [ ] Fire Slimes

• [ ] Things other than slimes?

• [ ] Others

• [X] Inventory

• [ ] Make equipping different items show different models in-game

• [X] Items(Need Many More, but Framework is there)

• [ ] Chests/Loot Bags

• [ ] Items dropped by monsters

• [ ] More Weapons and Items

• [X] Menu/Settings

• [ ] Proper UI Scaling

• [X] Pause Menu

• [ ] Options

• [X] Start Menu

• [ ] Play Menu?

• [ ] Death Menu

• [ ] Add Red Vision at Low Health (Maybe we don't need this, it might look weird)

• [ ] Plot

• [ ] Sprucing up Looks and Making it look more professional (Models, textures, lighting, rendering, animations, particles, etc.)

• [ ] Tutorial

• [ ] Music

• [ ] Sound Effects

• [ ] Path finding/Better AI

Things to Consider for future: Items How should items, items' stats and player item-related stats work? Maybe: Each item is ranked by recharge speed, and strength. After each strike/shot there is a time before you can shoot/swing again, determined by the item recharge speed. Obviously, the strength would correlate to the damage done. The player's melee/ranged weapon skill improves the damage and the recharge speed? Or maybe just the damage done by each category of weapon respectively.

Categories of Weapons and Approximate numbers: • Melee o Swords (10 in game) - Middle of the road stats for speed/strength o Hammers/Axes (7 in game) - high strength and low speed o Knives (5 in game) - low strength high speed • Ranges o Bow (10 in game) - Some have balanced speed/strength but some also have higher speed and lower strength o Crossbow (5 in game) - high strength lower speed

Saving Should players be allowed to save? - No - Save & Quit Button Between Levels - Whenever you quit to title - Autosave - Save should clear on death Assets and tools Sounds: https://freesound.org/