🚀 Kick-start your C++! A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management and much more.
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Cannot find Header files
#195 opened by ENate - 0
add option for select share_lib or static_lib
#192 opened by shishirong - 17
- 1
how to print the stack to trace an error?
#190 opened by Guangyi-Zhang - 1
Documentation Workflow Not Running on Releases
#188 opened by GabTux - 1
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feature request: add an option and support for build, use, and install a dynamic library too
#85 opened by ClausKlein - 1
update get_cpm.cmake within the GitHub workflow
#172 opened by schtobia - 3
Use of deprecated ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine .clang-format option
#169 opened by huand - 13
Include errors
#142 opened by shelltitan - 7
Use `code-coverage.cmake` from `cmake-scripts`
#124 opened by mscofield0 - 0
- 1
The GitHub workflow actions needs an update
#160 opened by ClausKlein - 1
GUI design
#157 opened by OND10 - 1
`cmake --build build/test` fails
#148 opened by IvanVnucec - 1
version.h is missing in include/greeter
#130 opened by Marco-Israel - 2
how to generate build file of bazel in cmake?
#147 opened by roderick-liu - 7
- 0
Update `PackageProject.cmake` to 1.8.0
#127 opened by mscofield0 - 1
#131 opened by jayvdb - 1
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permissive -> permissive-
#122 opened - 2
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Standalone doc is not correct for CLion
#121 opened by david-29 - 9
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General question - C++20
#98 opened by dbonattoj - 1
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gitignore proposition
#99 opened by dbonattoj - 5
cxxopts tests are leaked in the all project
#90 opened by TheLartians - 4
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Distinguish "Greeter" as the name of the CMake project and as the name of files/directories/classes
#82 opened by nerrons - 7
Starter with CLion
#54 opened by benys - 7
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "GreeterTargets" ...) includes target "Greeter" which requires target "fmt-header-only" that is not in any export set.
#79 opened by ClausKlein - 3
the format target does not work?
#78 opened by ClausKlein - 2
Running doxygen command on windows
#68 opened by garrettseepersad - 15
Compile options and warnings for standalone?
#61 opened by friendlyanon - 1
CI/Github Actions for Ubuntu and MacOS
#65 opened by MichaelUnknown - 7
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USE_<TOOL> defines cause a warning
#57 opened by friendlyanon - 4
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#40 opened by andersfylling - 1
Static analyzis
#39 opened by andersfylling