
Professional real estate agent website template with multithreaded filewatcher

Primary LanguageRust


Professional real estate agent website


  1. Frontend web-app written in Svelte
  2. Backend REST API written in Rust using Rocket web framework and Diesel ORM
  3. Multi-threaded filewatcher written in Rust using Notify crate


Setup API

  1. cd backend
  2. Create an env.sh file using the env.example.sh template
  3. Source the env.sh file
  4. Spin up a postgres docker container using the configured env variables
    make setup
    make db
  5. Compile and start the REST API service: make run_api

Setup frontend

  1. cd frontend
  2. Install dependencies: pnpm i
  3. Start the development server: pnpm dev

Setup filewatcher (after API setup)

  1. cd backend
  2. Source the env.sh file
  3. Create a watch directory for the filewatcher to inspect (or use an existing directory)
    mkdir .watchdir
  4. Compile and start the filewatcher service: make run_fw
  5. Create a Centris .zip archive file in the .watchdir


CI/CD Pipeline

I've setup github actions that build and push docker images to the public docker registry at namespace 1930414

  • On push to branch develop, I run tests on both the backend and frontend services
  • On push to branch main, I build and push docker images for:

Deploying to production

I use the following setup by @woollysammoth to handle ssl certificates and docker images on my production server. I also setup a postgres instance on the host machine instead of using docker for security and maintenance advantages.