fmadd / fmsub error when adding with zero
helderdaniel opened this issue · 1 comments
when trying to use fmadd/fmsub (fnmadd/fnmsub) to add the product with a register that holds floating point zero, the result is always zero:
A: .float 1.0, 2.0, 0.0
la t0, A
flw fa1, 0(t0)
flw fa2, 4(t0)
flw fa3, 8(t0)
fmadd.s fa0, fa1, fa2, fa3 #fa0 = should hold 2.0 but holds 0.0
if fa3 has a value different than zero, it performs the operation correctly:
A: .float 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
fmadd.s fa0, fa1, fa2, fa3 #fa0 = holds 5.0 as it should
It is not a problem of flw.
Loading zero to fa3 with:
fcvt.s.w fa0,x0
fmsub fa0,fa0,fa0
and then executing:
fmadd.s fa0, fa1, fa2, fa3
gives also zero result.
Not initializing fa3 register, letting all the bits have zero value (this is the value RARS init the FP registers), the same operation gives NAN.
But a FP register with all bits zero should hold FP +0.0.
The same happens with double precision functions: fmadd.d, ...
This was tested with latest version:
Thanks for this issue. This should be fixed by b4943e8. Honestly, I don't know why I made this bug.